Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adolescents in Education

Studying in college means new life. It allows new experiences and challenges. This can be exciting but it can also be stressful and make someone feel sad as well. The role of guide counselor is of great importance regarding the student’s adaptation in academic environment. The realization of student’s professional and personal skills depends a lot on the degree of the success of counselor’s activities.The main aim of this research is to show that today the counselors’ practices still are not perfect. They are some narrow-directed and are composed mostly as the instructions for dealing with a student who is already in stress. Also, the scheme of organization of counselor’s activities which is suggested to make their work more efficient will be proposed.As Kenneth W. Merrel says in his â€Å"Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: a practical guide† (2001): â€Å"Depression, anxiety, and related â€Å"internalizing† problems o f children and adolescents have been the focus of increased professional concern during the past two or tree decades. During the majority of the 20th century, relatively little attention was given to these problems†.Meanwhile, recently depression and stress have become rather a common phenomenon of students’ life. For many young adults, the transition from high school to college is one of the most exciting periods of their lives. Normative developmental tasks, such as moving away from home, learning new academic material, forming adult relationships, and managing time and money, can create feelings of independence and generate a sense of mastery and competence unparalleled in earlier adolescence.As educators are well aware, however, these critical tasks can become a source of chronic stress, especially during the freshman year. If left unchecked, such stress can uncover or lead to more serious psychological disorders, which can, in turn, cause social isolation, school f ailure, and self-destructive behaviors.The Nation’s Voice on Mental Illness (2005) affirms that: â€Å"Most illnesses develop between the ages of 17 to 25, but that's not to say it can't start sooner or later than that.†Ã‚   Speaking about American students, NYU Child Study Center (2004) shows also that:â€Å"- depression affects over 19 million American adults annually, including college students. At colleges nationwide, large percentages of students are feeling overwhelmed, sad, hopeless and so depressed that they are unable to function†¦Ã‚  -eating disorders affect 5-10 million women and one million men nationwide, with the highest rates occurring among college-aged women.   -suicide was the eighth leading cause of death for all Americans, the third leading cause of death for those aged 15-24 years, and the second leading killer in the college population in 1998.   -nearly 50% of American teenagers of high-school age are currently, or have been, sexually a ctive. Everyday, 8,000 teenagers in the United States become infected by a sexually transmitted disease (STD)†¦ †The transition to student life has always been unsettling but being a student is quite different now from 20 years ago. Today we have a mass higher education system, so universities tend to be much larger and less personal.  It's very rare for students to go through a degree program with the same 20 or 30 people – instead they take different modules with large numbers of different people so it's hard for them to build up support networks.   And one don't just have finals now, one have exams twice a year, every year, so the pressure is on from the moment one start until the moment he finishes.The causes of depression are complex. Very often a combination of genetic, psychological and environmental factors is involved in the onset of clinical depression.Common stressors in college life include: greater academic demands, being on your own in a new envir onment, changes in family relations, financial responsibilities, changes in your social life, exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations, awareness of your sexual identity and orientation, preparing for life after graduation. At times, however, depression occurs for no apparent reason.Whatever the cause is, depression is almost always treatable. But the problem is not only to get rid of the stress but to learn how to manage with it or (what would be the best solution) how to prevent it.The problem is also not only in a great threat for student’s health which is issued by stress but in making a student unable to develop his skills. Hundreds of students, sometimes very gifted ones, suffer because of depression which is a great obstacle on the way of their development as personalities.It must be said that nowdays the net of guide counselors is developed quite well and practically all educational establishments of famous have among their personnel professional psychologists w ho make a great deal of work. But it also must be noted that in recent years the intensity of so-called â€Å"students’ stress† hasn’t decreased but quite the contrary, it has increased a lot.Therefore, the main task of guide counselors is to learn to reveal the symptoms of depression at its early stage, identify the students who are especially vulnerable to stress form the very beginning of their education and direct their behavior to the safe path.So, as it was already said, the first step in defeating depression is recognizing it. It's normal to have some signs of depression some of the time. But five or more symptoms for two weeks or longer, or noticeable changes in usual functioning, are all factors that should be evaluated by a health or mental health professional.Depressive illnesses come in different forms. The following are descriptions of the three most prevalent, though for an individual, the number, severity, and duration of symptoms will vary:Major depression is manifested by a combination of symptoms that interfere with one’s ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy once pleasurable activities. These episodes can occur once, twice, or several times in a lifetime.Symptoms include: sadness, anxiety, or â€Å"empty† feeling, decreased energy, fatigue, being â€Å"slowed down†, loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, appetite and weight changes (either loss or gain) ,sleep disturbances (insomnia, oversleeping, waking much earlier than usual), feelings of hopelessness, guilt, and worthlessness, thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts difficulty concentrating, making decisions, remembering, irritability or excessive crying, chronic aches or pain not explained by other physical condition.A less intense type of depression- dysthymia, involves long-term, chronic symptoms that are less severe, but keep you from functioning at your full ability and from feeling well. In bipolar illness (also known as manic-depressive illness), cycles of depression alternate with cycles of elation and increased activity, known as mania.Bipolar disorder is a type of depressive illness that involves mood swings that go from periods of depression to periods of being overly â€Å"up† and irritable. Sometimes the mood swings are dramatic or rapid, but most often they occur gradually, over several weeks.The â€Å"up† or manic phase can include increased energy and activity, insomnia, grandiose notions and impulsive or reckless behavior, including sexual promiscuity. Medication usually is effective in controlling manic symptoms and preventing the recurrence of both manic and depressive episodes.When the depression lasts for two weeks and more or interferes with academic or social functioning it may be clinical depression. Clinical depression is a common, frequently unrecognized illness that can be effectively treated. Clinical depression can affect your body, mood, thoughts, and behavio r.It can change your eating habits, how you feel and think, your ability to work and study, and how you interact with people. Clinical depression is not a passing mood, a sign of personal weakness, or a condition that can be willed away.Clinically depressed people cannot â€Å"pull themselves together† and get better. Depression can be successfully treated. With the right treatment, 80 percent of those who seek help get better. And many people begin to feel better in just a few weeks.The notion of stress or depression is connected tightly with alcohol and drugs and suicide intentions. A lot of depressed people, especially teenagers, also have problems with alcohol or other drugs. Sometimes depression comes first and people try drugs as a way to escape it.Other times, the alcohol or other drug use comes first, and depression is caused by the drug itself, or withdrawal from it, or the problems that substance use causes. And sometimes one can't tell which came first. The importa nt point is that when one has both of these problems, the sooner he gets treatment, the better.Thoughts of death or suicide are usually signs of severe depression. Talking to a professional in this case can get student past those intense feelings and save his life. Suicidal thoughts, impulses, or behaviors always should be taken seriously.   It is necessary to contact someone he or she trusts: a good friend, academic or resident advisor.All the above mentioned problems referred to students’ stresses and depressions are suggested to be treated by counselors. The counselor is a teacher and psychologist at the same time. The relationship between teacher and learner essentially poses problems of human relations. Teachers bring more than knowledge to the relationship: they are motivators, experts, judges.Teachers and learners share responsibility for learning, and some question whether â€Å"teaching† has occurred if no â€Å"learning† occurred.Studies of teaching that produces the most learning suggest that â€Å"effective† teachers use an analytical and synthetic approach to the subject matter, organize the material well to make it clear, and establish rapport with their students.Most studies identify enthusiasm as important in promoting students' learning. The key seems to be to make college courses challenging but not threatening.Many stress models emphasize a â€Å"mismatch† between the individual and his or her environment. Both too little and too much stress inhibits learning. Stress is difficult to define because individuals react to it very differently, and a situation that is stressful for one person may not be for another. Further, stressed individuals vary widely in the effectiveness of their coping.The professional or academic adaptation is a kind of social adaptation. Academic adaptation consists of professional and psychological components. The psychological aspect has the leading role as it is the base for all th e other stages of human’s socialization.The academic adaptation is an intensive, dynamic and complex process in the course of which the individual elaborates constant skills of adaptation within the demands of his new environment. At the very beginning there is an adaptation to the social environment of high school, and on the senior rates – to the elected trade and profession.Thus, professional adaptation of the student at each subsequent stage includes adaptable abilities and the skills received at the previous stage as a basis. Each subsequent stage is the result of the development of the previous one with qualitatively new formations.It is necessary to point out a number of the initial subjective factors which negatively influence on the process of adaptation and underlying typical difficulties: 1. An insufficient level of actual readiness for the high school program, neglect of many knowledge from rates of school disciplines what leads to backwardness of diligence and inquisitiveness, deficiency of the personal responsibility and educational activity, a low level of spiritual and intellectual potentials. 2. Feebly marked studies skills, insufficiently advanced verbal (abstract) thinking, backwardness of concentration and distribution of attention, ignorance of effective mnemonic receptions, weakness of strong-willed regulation. 3. A low level of culture and moral shown on a background limited life experience and a social maturity; world outlook and social infantilism. 4. Uncertainty in one’s own forces, doubt in an opportunity of successful training in high schoolConsidering professional adaptation of the person as process, using concept â€Å"professional adaptation â€Å", we designate result of this process. Thus, professional adaptation is a result of personal changes during the coordination of professional intentions, qualities of the person and requirements of concrete professional work at adequate reaction to own changes, cha nges of professional work and the professional environment under influence of the factors generated at inclusion of the person in system of continuous education.Hence, professional adaptation of the person of the student forms a psychological basis of his vocational training. The challenges while getting education are especially important for gifted students. Many gifted youngsters have a heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, to events, to ideas, and to expectations. Some experience their own high expectations for achievement as a relentless pressure to excel. Constant striving to live up to self-expectations-or those of others-to be first, best, or both can be very stressful. With every new course, new teacher, or new school questions arise about achievement and performance, since every new situation carries with it the frightening risk of being mediocre.Striving becomes even more stressful when unrealistic or unclear expectations are imposed by adults or peers. The pressur e to excel, accompanied by other concerns such as feeling different, self-doubt (the â€Å"imposter† syndrome), and the need to prove their giftedness can drain the energy of gifted students and result in additional stress.Stress occurs even when everything is going well. Youngsters get tired from their constant efforts and may secretly fear that next time they will not be as successful.Many gifted students accept responsibility for a variety of activities such as a demanding course load; leadership in school activities, clubs, or sports and part-time jobs. Even if it were humanly possible, doing everything well would be physically and emotionally stressful.

A Singer I Admire

As we grow older, we find someone to looks up to. Some of us admire celebrities, family, and friends. I admire Andy Lau. A star of over 100 films and one of Asia's most popular singers, Andy Lau was born on September 27, 1961 in Hong Kong. He grew up in a very poor area where there was not even running water. The young Andy had to make up to eight trips a day to collect water for his family. Despite financial problems, Andy's parents encouraged him to do well in school, and upon graduating, he entered the TVB academy, where he studied acting and martial arts. After appearing on television for a couple of years, Lau moved onto films with 1982's Boat People. As was the norm for many young stars at this time, there was an attempt to diversify Lau by having him record an album. While these types of albums usually provide some extra publicity and money for the actor, for Lau they became a second career. His first album I Only Know I Love You came out in 1985 to a minor buzz. It was not until 1990, when Lau had established himself as one of Hong Kong's top actors. Lau's musical career intertwined with his acting, as he began to record songs for the movies he appeared in. Despite his success, Lau's career almost suffered a fatal flaw early on when he refused to sign a contract with TVB. Lau was blacklisted from Hong Kong television, and it was only through the intervention of Chow Yun-Fat (who was a friend of the director of Boat People, Ann Hui) that Lau began to find more work in movies. Despite having a reputation of being hard to work with, Lau continues to be one of Hong Kong's most prolific and bankable actors. In fact, there were times when Lau was so popular that he was working on multiple films as well as recording songs all at once, sleeping in his car as time allowed. This dedication to work seems to have finally paid off in one respect; in 2000 Lau won the Hong Kong Film Award for his work in Running Out of Time. In 2004, he won the prestigious Golden Horse Award for his performance in Infernal Affairs III, the sequel to the popular Infernal Affairs. Western audiences may also be familiar with his performance in the House of Flying Daggers. His singing career reached stellar status in 1990 with the release of the album entitled Would It Be Possible, and his subsequent releases only solidified his status as a marketable singer. [5] For that song, he would win his first 1990 RTHK Top 10 Gold Songs Awards. He would then win at least one RTHK award category every year consecutively until the year 2007. From Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards, he has won the â€Å"Most Popular Hong Kong Male Artist† award 7 times and the â€Å"Asia Pacific Most Popular Hong Kong Male Artist† award 15 times. He also entered into Guinness World Records for â€Å"Most Awards Won By A Cantopop Male Artist†. By April 2000, he had already won a total unprecedented 292 awards. Andy's success did not come easily. He is known most by insiders for his hard work and drive. Catching some sleep in his car between the midst of recording an album and making a movie is not uncommon for the singer-actor. Yet, Andy managed to excel in both games. As an actor, Andy never settled for two-bit roles or stereotypical characters who only excelled in kung fu. As a singer, Andy never seemed to be satisfied with status quo. Through the two-plus decades that Andy gave to the entertainment world, he persevered, he advanced, and he conquered. In a race to be the best of everything, Andy is the only one crossing the finish line. Andy Lau is an exemplary person. He is multi-talented actor, comedian, and even singer who has come a long way. His past amazes me and his diligence touched me. In my mind, Andy Lau is the role model which is why I admire him.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Vacant Chapter 8 Celebrate

â€Å"Happy anniversary!† Emily yells at me as I exit the bathroom having just completed my morning ritual. She'd be disgusted if she knew everything it entailed, not to mention the full coverage robe I was supposed to buy, which means Emily still walks around in tiny towels. Of course, I spend extra time in the shower stroking out my morning wood so that I'm able to have some semblance of decency the rest of the day. Walking around with an Emily induced boner would certainly make our situation uncomfortable. While the topic of dating and relationships hasn't been broached since January, that doesn't mean it has gone away. Instead, it's been the elephant in the room for eight long months. â€Å"Is there an anniversary song?† Emily asks jokingly. â€Å"There's one for birthdays.† She starts singing Happy Birthday, replacing â€Å"birthday† with â€Å"anniversary.† I can't help but smile given the joy the woman before me holds for the simplest of things. â€Å"It's two years today, Ethan; two years ago you came over and opened my window, two years since you recognized I was alone and in need. Two years ago you opened your home and heart to a perfect stranger.† When she says heart quieter than the rest, mine skips a beat. Her voice wavers at the end of her speech, indicating tears are about to follow. I reach out to her, pull her into me, and hold her tightly as she surrenders to the sadness. This is the only touch I'm allowed – the only appropriate embrace. Looking in the mirror, I see a man whose extraordinarily proud. While I may not be the mama bird watching her baby bird fly from the nest, there is still pride deep in my chest. Emily graduates today from high school. It's an accomplishment, which given the circumstances, is astounding. Today is special, and it's the first time I've ever worn a tie, so I check it one last time. My tie isn't the only surprise I have for Emily today. I purchased my very first car this morning, and I plan to drive Emily to her graduation in a 1998 Toyota Corolla. It belonged to Margie, my boss, but her husband bought her a new one. He sold me the Corolla with 160,000 miles at an unreasonably low price. I'd say he was giving me a bit of charity, but no matter, it's mine. Mine and Emily's. â€Å"Get-out!† Emily shouts moments later as she looks at the champagne colored car parked on the street and then back at me. Her mouth is hanging open, unsure of what to say. â€Å"Come on; get in. We have a graduation to get to.† â€Å"Your brother is way hot,† I hear the blonde say. Emily doesn't respond, but another high-pitched voice does. â€Å"That's not her brother, you clueless bitch.† Emily told me about this once, where females call each other names as terms of endearment, but I don't get it. If one of the guys at the store called me a bastard or asshole, I'd punch his face, endearment aside. â€Å"Gretchen†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I hear Emily plead. â€Å"Please don't.† â€Å"What? He's not – which, of course begs the question, why aren't you bangin' his brains out, little Emily Evans?† Truth be told, I want to know Emily's response. It's not like I haven't thought about it a thousand times, but I'm curious to know if she thinks about it too. â€Å"I have to – † then I hear footsteps rapidly retreating. I decide to make myself known and walk out of the hallway where I've been hiding since the conversation seems to be over. â€Å"Hey, Ethan, you just missed Emily.† The blonde motions down the hall in the direction Emily went. I follow. The sound hits me immediately as I near a classroom with an open door. Thankfully, it's a sound I haven't heard for a while, but hearing it now cuts me like a hot knife through cold butter. â€Å"Emily?† I call to her as I enter the nearly empty room. The desks and chairs are stacked, waiting patiently for another round of students in the fall. Emily looks up, red-faced and glassy-eyed. She regards me for a moment, then bursts into another round of sobs. For a second, I think about how ugly crying is. I think Emily is beautiful, but the way her face contorts†¦ it's just so unattractive. This crying mess in front of me doesn't look like Emily at all. Then the few remaining scraps of humanity I think I have left kick in, and those superficial and negative thoughts float away. All I'm seeing now is my Emily in pain – and I want to make it stop. I go to her as fast as my legs can carry me and take her in my arms, holding her close. We've only embraced a few times, but for me, it's special every time. After several minutes, Emily has calmed and she raises her head to look at me. Her eyes are clear now, and as she gazes into my eyes, I think about how beautiful she is. It's all I can do not to place my lips over hers. We're so close that just a few inches forward would connect us. I want her so much sometimes it's hurts. But that's not meant to be, and my sinful thoughts have to remain hidden. â€Å"Ethan, I have to tell you something. Well, ask you something, really. I mean I'm going to tell you something, but then I'm going to – † I cut her off by placing my hand gently over her mouth. She rambles when she's nervous, plus my hand will keep me from kissing her. â€Å"Deep breath,† I coach her and myself. After a few relaxing sighs, I encourage her to start again. â€Å"You can tell me anything, Emily. I'm here for you. You can trust me.† But never in a million years would I expect what she says next. â€Å"Ethan, I love you.†

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mrketing Strtegy of Ford Compny Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Mrketing Strtegy of Ford Compny - Case Study Example "Tht's some good news in the mix of our business," Ford's sles nlyst George Pips sid yesterdy. Ford Motor is the second lrgest utomotive compny in the world nd the most trnsntionl of ll uto mkers. It hs opertions in more thn 200 countries nd territories, employing bout 350,000 workers (Schnpp, Cssettri, 2004) Historiclly, Ford sought to compete ginst the industry's leder, Generl Motors, by incresing its presence in foreign mrkets. Ford's Interntionl utomotive Opertions co-ordintes ctivities in twenty-six countries grouped in three principl regions (Europe, Ltin meric, nd si Pcific). In the lte 1970s, Ford produced outside the United Sttes hlf of its worldwide vehicle production - compred with GM's one-fourth. The Ford Motor Co. hs lso been leder in introducing or rpidly dopting technologicl innovtions in the industry. Henry Ford, the founder nd president of the compny, is considered the fther of mss production. In the difficult decde of the 1980s, Ford showed its cpbility to rpidly dopt the Jpnese system of production nd to move fster thn ny other uto mker in seeking the integrtion of its opertions on globl bsis. The compny ws lso pioneer in the interntionliztion of production, s it ws the first to open n ssembly plnt in Cnd (1904), in Mexico (1925), nd in mny other countries. Historicll y, the compny hs hd leding role in developing n utomotive cpbility in those countries, nd its strtegies hve been chrcterized by its responsiveness to locl government demnds nd its reltively high levels of export ctivity. 2. Politicl fctors to consider in building Mrketing strtegy of Ford Motor Politicl fctors such s US government policies of intermittent intervention in the industry help to undermine the extent of competition in the US utomobile industry. The dversril reltionship between government nd business in the United Sttes tht emerged in the mid-1960s ws founded on the underlying tension which existed between the neo-clssicl model or ideology tht shped US government policies towrd the utomobile industry nd the system of mngeril cpitlism bsed on lrge, oligopolistic corportions. In the 1960s, nd responding to growing public wreness on sfety nd fuel emissions, the US government incresed nd modified its forms of intervention in the utomobile industry. Before the 1960s, US government intervention in the utomobile industry ws "intermittent nd inconstnt, " s "periods of mild support nd benign neglect hve lternted with periods of fierce scrutiny nd shrp intervention" (Dyer et l. 2001:45). Most government policies ffecting the industry re not shped by the underlying ideology of lissez-fire, which justified government intervention only when there were strong demnds by powerful economic or socil ctors to do so, or when it ws justified to correct mrket filure (Gilpin

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Why God Allowed Sin into the World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why God Allowed Sin into the World - Essay Example This paper illustrates that many definitions are in use in establishing the real meaning of sin. Among the many definitions, many individuals commonly use two. Sin is the violation of an ideal relationship that exists between God and an individual or sin also involves from the ideal order of human beings. Indeed, the two definitions provide a good foundation for the understanding of sin and the various aspects pertaining to it. On such an understanding on what sin is, determining the major reasons contributing to why God allowed sin into the world remains a significantly easy task. Many question the reason why God permits sin to reign in the world, which causes great suffering among many individuals, despite His all-powerful nature. Sin originated from the Garden of Eden after the disobedience of Adam and Eve, after doing contrary to the will of God. Such an understanding brings about two major reasons as to why God allowed sin into the world. God allowed sin into the world in order to manifest his true nature and other valuable lessons. God allows sin into the world as a proof that indeed sin and its evil nature are malignant, and that the suffering attributed to sin, proofs that any contrast to God’s will results in suffering, pain, and finally leads to death. God's nature manifests best in human beings through suffering, considering that during sufferings, many individuals tend to tighten their relationship with God.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Institute of applied entrepreneurship Assignment

Institute of applied entrepreneurship - Assignment Example I would like to personally thank you for reviewing my letter of employment and genuinely hope you will find my entrepreneurial competencies to be a valuable fit for your grand organisation with a rich history in the United Kingdom. 1. Introduction Thornton’s Chocolate was founded in 1911 by Joseph William Thornton, establishing a very recognisable brand in the United Kingdom ever since. Now that Cadbury has been taken over by Kraft company, Thornton’s is now considered the largest independent chocolatier and confectionary business in the UK. Through decades of brand-building activities and increases in sales revenues, Thornton’s now boasts 360 different shops and a variety of franchises across the United Kingdom supported by 2011 revenues of ?218 million (Thornton’s 2012). Thornton’s has, however, experienced problems with maintaining market share among major competitors and the business is losing sales revenues, especially in the High Street stores that sell Thornton’s products. Thornton’s has always maintained a premium positioning strategy, justifying a higher-priced model associated with legitimate and consumer-perceived brand quality. Because of this, the business is seeking a revitalisation and restorative business strategy designed to give the business a more contemporary brand image with important target markets. This letter of employment is to illustrate entrepreneurial characteristics both internally and as related to the employment candidate to illustrate how the candidate’s competencies can benefit the new positioning of Thornton’s for sustainable success and profitability. 2. Defining the entrepreneurial organisation An entrepreneurial organisation is one that is willing to absorb risks, as being able to compete against well-established competitors, such as Cadbury, requires making decisions that are innovative and do not have a precedent established. This is necessary to achieve unique competitive advantage and differentiate one business from another that offers similar products with like characteristics and benefits. It is the risk-taking prowess of important organisational leaders that establish the foundation for an entrepreneurial organisation (Covin and Miles 1999). Once this entrepreneurial spirit has been established, the entrepreneurial organisation becomes one that is equipped to develop new products and services. A corporate entrepreneur focuses on establishing efficiencies and productive structures that can assist the organisation in aligning strategic intentions with external market conditions (Dess, Lumpkin and McKee 1999). Outside of basic managerial or executive-level decision-making such as budgeting and cost control, the entrepreneurial organisation recognises opportunities to make positive changes and then aligns the internal operational and staffing models to achieve strategic goals related to the opportunity. The entrepreneurial organisation m aintains staff and managers that are able to juggle innovative ideas in their imaginations that translate into creative work to better position the business competitively. This type of organisation looks toward people and product as tools for achieving profit growth (Gaglio and Katz 2001). Innovations should occur in human resources policies and procedures as well as related to the actual product or service in order to be considered

Friday, July 26, 2019

Thinking Globally; Do you think the US should convert to the metric Essay

Thinking Globally; Do you think the US should convert to the metric system - Essay Example The system has proved beneficial in baking for the reason that baking is a science where accurate measurements are required to generate consistent and quality baked products (Strianese and Strianese 118). Other than the baking industry, metric system is important in the pharmaceutical, automotive, engineering, and science industry. These industries have decided to go metric system because it is very crucial in world trade. Metric terminology is being used in the medical field. The metric system is taught early during the training of doctors because the drug dosage is usually specified in metric units. Presently, approximately ninety percent of global population utilizes the metric system. The metric system is still being introduced and utilized in majority of the industries in the United States; the most remarkable industries using the system include the food and beverage industry. For instance, when an individual purchases a beverage such as coffee or soda, the measurement usually appears on the beverage package in metric terms and customary measurements always used (Strianese and Strianese 119). As stated before, the metric system is used in the baking industry because it gives exact measurements. Thus, it is useful in this industry because the ingredients are generally weighted instead of being measured. The change to the metric system is evident in the United States; in the food and beverage industry, very few bottles of wine are sold using the customary U.S. measures (Strianese and Strianese 119). The metric system offers standard rules for â€Å"communicating the amounts of its units through prefixes. For example, a milligram is one-thousandth of a gram (weight), a milliliter is one-thousandth of a liter (volume), and a millimeter is one-thousandth of a meter (length)† (Strianese and Strianese 120). The customary system does not have this form of predictability and uniformity (Strianese and Strianese 120).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nonprofit Assignment 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nonprofit Assignment 2 - Coursework Example With a mission to ensure racial equality and socioeconomic uplifting of all citizens, the organization boasted about 425000 members in 2007. Through its various departments like Branch and Field Services, youth and collage department, Legal department, and Education department, the organization looks to improve the living conditions of all American citizens and provide them with the best facilities available. The Association also does strong lobbying in the US government that is something contrary to the theories discussed in the commentary. The NAACP is also run through a proper hierarchical management system and takes the ideology of business processes in its operations. The organization also had a rivalry with the IRS at the point of its tax-exempted status. The IRS contented that the organization has been actively taking part in the political affairs which was obnoxious but eventually, the case went in favour of the organization(NAACP, 1997). The philanthropic foundation works under private ownership and is a division of the main for profit business of the Kellogg Company. Hence this is a good example of the corporate effort towards non-profit businesses. The foundation was the 7th largest foundation in 2005 with 82% of its founds spent in the US. The company also invests in a variety of programs including schools, and other social programs. The assets held by the company are humongous in volume with US $ 7 billion. This is in compliance with the theories cited in the commentary about the growing influence of the non-profit organizations. The new management framework employed by the organization enables it to emphasise on food, Health, Social wellbeing and Education and Learning. The organization, unlike many others, has been very successful in fulfilling its objective of helping children face the future with confidence, health, and under high security (W.K. Kellogg Foundation, 1999). The Association of Jewish family and children agencies

Same Idea, Different Medium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Same Idea, Different Medium - Essay Example Some victims of plagiarism have the reason that, actually their work is not plagiarized, but contain common knowledge while others are purely lazy to the extent that they plagiarize through â€Å"copy and paste† from an internet source. This paper analyzes and relates two articles; the in-class essay and the internet object (IO) that address the issue of plagiarism by focusing on two different examples. The article â€Å"Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age† by Trip Gabriel, which appeared in â€Å"The New York Times† in August 1, 2010 was the in-class essay while the article â€Å"The Plagiarist’s Tale† by Lizzie Widdicombe, which was featured in â€Å"The New Yorker† in February 13, 2012 is the internet object. Gabriel in her article â€Å"Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age† writes about various students in learning institutions who have plagiarized their works from the internet (Gabriel, 2010). Consequent ly, Widdicombe in her article â€Å"The Plagiarist’s Tale† has analyzed a fiction novel tiled â€Å"Assassin of Secrets† by Quentin Roman, which was highly plagiarized from other fiction novels (Widdicombe, 2012). In both instances, the plagiarists, who are the students and the fiction novel author, did not formally acknowledge the source of information. The in-class essay by Widdicombe and the â€Å"internet object† (IO) by Gabriel relate in that they both entail cases of plagiarism on two different levels; professional and academics. On one level, the in-class essay depicts plagiarism in a mass-market publishing while on the other level; the (IO) essay shows plagiarism in college academics. In essence, Widdicombe discusses how the author Quentin Rowan plagiarized his works from many different sources during his earlier writing career. Moreover, the article by Gabriel depicts how various students plagiarized their college assignments from the internet. W iddicombe portrays how a professional author, Rowan, becomes mediocre in the field of fiction writing through copying excerpts from other published novels, without giving any credits (Widdicombe, 2012). Gabriel on her part presents a description on how college students knowingly or unknowingly copy and paste essays from internet sources, also without giving credits (Gabriel, 2010). Gabriel in the (IO) article presents three cases of plagiarism by students from different institutions. The students are ignorant of their ill act since they are not aware of the importance of giving credit or citing borrowed words. Gabriel asserts that educators have discovered that students who use online information do not put into consideration originality, intellectual property and copyright issues. This is because in the digital technology, to â€Å"copy paste† is very easy. Widdicombe in the in-class article presents a case of plagiarism by Rowan, particularly in his novel â€Å"Assassins o f Secrets†. Rowan was accused of including in his book more than thirty cases of plagiarism. Interestingly Rowan admitted that he had taken excerpts from books by different authors while the students admitted copying and pasting from online sources. Academic assignments by students can be scrutinized for plagiarism through using a plagiarism software, however, the same is not possible for novels, and as a result, editors have to read manuscripts word by word if plagiarism is to be detected (Widdicombe, 2012). In many instances editors, discovered copied texts in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy Essay

Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy - Essay Example The paper "Nursing Implication for Teenage Pregnancy" talks about the problem of teenage pregnancy in the US which is having the highest incidence of teen pregnancy though the rate is declining everywhere. Probably ongoing sex education and improved accessibility to condoms have helped to get it down. Young parents and kids usually have a severe impact on their lives sacrificing education, career, and most importantly health. This essay gives detail information regarding statistical facts of teen pregnancy state wise information along with the implication of nursing. A teen can also have a healthy pregnancy if she is able to detect pregnancy on time and receive pre and post natal care promptly. The importance of prenatal and postnatal care education is understood in the essay as in teen pregnancy cases chances of getting preterm labor with low birth weight babies are higher. Young mothers are provided with genuine support by healthcare system along with parenting classes and counseli ng. Parenting is a tough task for every individual and it is indeed very difficult if the parents are teenagers. Teenage pregnancy has become a major issue of concern for almost all the western countries. Incidences of teen pregnancy are rising in the US too and teens are battling to establish child-friendly situations in their lives. Teens are not the only sufferer but their children also face frequent health problems in future. These pregnancies are usually unplanned and are not pleasant phenomena to the society.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis of Federal Courts Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Federal Courts - Article Example U.S. Magistrate Judge. Magistrate Judges are appointed to assist the U.S. District Judges with their court duties. They are authorized by the U.S. law of Title 28 of the United States Code. (Magistrate Judgeship, 2011) U.S. District Courts. District courts are the general courts in the United States federal court structure that accommodate both civil and criminal cases. Known to be the court of law, court of equity, and court of admiralty. (United States Courts, 2011) U.S. Courts of Appeal. Court of Appeals is the courts that have the power and influence for intermediate appellate of decided court cases. This is also known as circuit courts. (United States Courts, 2011) U.S. Supreme Court. Supreme Court is nevertheless the highest court in the United States. This court has the ultimate appellate jurisdiction through the entire states and federal courts. This is also regarded as the court of the last resort. (United States Courts, 2011) Specialized Courts. Specialized courts are courts that possess entitlement of jurisdiction of the specified cases such as the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, the U.S. Court of International Trade, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and the U.S. Tax Court. (Gale, 2011) Federal Judicial Administration. The federal judicial administration is smaller than the court systems in many states. Judge Russel Wheeler had described this as â€Å"a product of accretion rather than specific design, but it is a system that members of the governance and administrative Consequences of Federal Involvement in the Criminal Justice System. Federal law has overwhelmingly changed the nations criminal justice system particularly the last period of the century.  Ã‚  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Political Power Essay Example for Free

Political Power Essay A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do. Does this sum up the essence of political power? Political analysis can be defined quite simply as the analysis of the nature, exercise and distribution of power.1 This argument is criticised of being too broad, excluding almost nothing, nevertheless it is reasonable to argue that power is the central theme which lies throughout the study of politics. Therefore defining the concept of power is one of the crucial things in the study of politics consequently it is often contested and can never be agreed among the scholars. This essay will focus on so-called the faces of power controversy in the post war period. First of all, the idea which consists of the first and basic part in interpreting power will be introduced. Then what its critiques argue and their flaws will also be discussed to draw the conclusion how far the argument A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do reflects the essence of power. The faces of power debate was raised from different theoretical traditions and approaches to political analysis. Basically the argument is about whether the concept of power is simple and quantifiable or it is rather complicated and intuitive concept which cannot be measured. Lukes2 acknowledges that this concept can never be settled. Alternatively he accepts the broad definition of power as As ability to get B to do what he or she would not otherwise have done but tries to highlight 3 different ways in which A can influence Bs behaviour: decision-making, agenda-setting and thought control. The one face of power power as decision-making was suggested by Dahl in the early post war years. The thesis put forward above was originally proposed by him and this one-dimensional view of power was significant and influential in 1950s. Power is somehow about getting things done, and is therefore most clearly reflected in decision and how they are made.3 For Dahl, in order to find out power relationship, three steps are needed. First, a number of decision areas are selected and then the actors involved in that decision and their interests are figured out. Finally by comparing the decisions made and the actors preferences, the power relationship can be revealed. In this sense power is understood as a concept which can be simplified and quantified. A clear example was shown in?Political Analysis?: Anna buys Bens car for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½500 which is actually worth à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½800 and both of them are aware of the real value. In this case, Annas power has been exercised over Ben in terms of decision-making since this decision would not have been the case if he had an influence in the process. One of the critical assumptions here is that the actors involved are fully aware of the information. Anna could have made this deal without exerting power if Ben did not know the real value. This argument of power as a decision-making does often make sense in tripartite political system where a number of different parties exercise their influence on controversial issues. In this case it is obvious to see the frequency of a particular partys preference coincides with the final decision. Thus, how far they have influence on decision-making can be understood in terms of their political power. However Dahls argument faces critical attack in a sense that it too focuses on its narrow concept of power in decision-making. First of all, since only the key decisions are studied, it raises the problem of how far we are capable of distinguishing key issues and routine issues which are often ignored. Moreover, it does not take the potential power into account. In this manner, the power which is not exerted cannot be regarded as power. For instance, some business groups would not be concerned with the welfare issues until they realise the increased burden for welfare tax. Then it might be possible for them to begin exercising their power which has not been exercised without any explicit need for it. Also as assumed from its name, it only uncovers one face of power ignoring other circumstances in which decisions are prevented from happening, the area of non-decision-making.4 This gave a rise to the second face of power argument by Bachrach and Baratz. According to their view, power should be understood as agenda-setting which is the two dimensional approach. Power might be manifested not only in doing things but also in ensuring that things do not get done.5 What they basically insist is that power is exercised in choosing what should be involved in formal discussion and what should not be. In other words, who holds the power needs to be understood in agenda-setting process before the actual decision-making process. In this way, they have broadened the boundary in the concept of power. This kind of approach is well shown in the liberal democratic system where parties are seen as the medium of representing a particular preference on issues. However they can actually block a certain kind of issue to be discussed by disregarding it or make an agreement not to raise the issue. It is difficult to quantify the concept of power from this approach nonetheless not impossible. Thus they agree with the one-dimensional approach in a sense that there should be observable and demonstrable evidence of power relationship between the one who exercise power and the other who are subject to the power. However the attempt to limit the concept of non-decision-making to observable behaviour is entirely arbitrary6 since it does not take in the case in which the subordinated do not recognise themselves as being subordinated. Consequently this problem gave a rise to the third-dimensional view introduced by Lukes. According to his argument, the basic assumption of the above two views is not quite right. What people believe as their interests does not necessarily mean their real interests. The ability of A to exercise power over B, not by getting B to do what he would not otherwise do, but, by influencing, shaping or determining his very wants'7 What is meant here is that power lies in shaping peoples consciousness rather than their actions. In other words, without forcing them to do something visibly it is possible to make them do regarding that as natural and beneficial for them. This can be true where peoples preferences are often influenced by social experiences such as culture, education and media and these can be manipulated by those who have the power. In this way it naturally leads to the concept of false consciousness which reflects the idea that people are prevented from recognizing the fact of its own exploitation8 However Lukes argument also faces severe criticism. Back in the example of Anna and Ben, the critical point is not in the fact that Anna forced Ben to do something that he would not otherwise do, but in the fact that Ben behaved in a way which is contrary to his genuine interest. This raises a problematic point that who is to know Bens real interests. In effect, It is impossible to argue that peoples perceptions and preferences are a delusion, that their felt needs are no their real need, without a standard of truth against which to judge them.9 In this sense this debate become meaningless since there is no scientific method which to prove and make an absolute judgement over this. Furthermore it is contested that nobody is capable of distinguishing the autonomous decision based on real interests and the one based on felt interests being manipulated from powerful. To conclude, the debate over the concept of power has been developed from the shallow one dimensional understanding to a more intuitive and complex three dimensional one. It cannot be said that the effort of developing it into more sophisticated form has always been successful. However through this process, it is true to say that the concept of power has been understood from various approaches which enabled better understanding. Nevertheless the important point to note is that the latter has never attempted to replace or deny the former approach since no single argument can define the political concept of power by its own. Rather, it has its root in the former argument and tries to make it more convincing. From this point of view, power is definitely something which enables A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do. Therefore on one hand, it is possible to say that the essence of power lies in this argument to a certain extent but there can be plural ways dependi ng on approaches in doing so. (1,419 words) References Clegg, S.R. (1989:11) Frameworks of Power. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Hay, C. (2002:168) Political Analysis: A critical introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Heywood, A. (2004:122, 124, 125, 127 and 128) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Goverde, H. et al. (eds) (2000:26) Power in Contemporary Politics. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Bibliography Clegg, S.R. (1989) Frameworks of Power. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Goodwin, B. (1997) Using political ideas (4th edn). Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd. Goverde, H. et al. (eds) (2000) Power in Contemporary Politics. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Hay, C. (2002) Political Analysis: A critical introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Heywood, A. (2004) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. McLean, I. McMillan, A. (2003) Oxford concise dictionary of Politics (2nd edn). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1 Hay, C. (2002:168) Political Analysis: A critical introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 2 Heywood, A. (2004:122) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 3 Heywood, A. (2004:124) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 4 Heywood, A. (2004:125) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 5 Clegg, S.R. (1989:11) Frameworks of Power. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 6 Goverde, H. et al. (eds) (2000:26) Power in Contemporary Politics. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 7 Heywood, A. (2004:127) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 8 Heywood, A. (2004:128) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 9 Heywood, A. (2004:128) Political theory: An introduction (3rd edn)). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Basic Approaches And Contemporary Issues In Leadership Management Essay

Basic Approaches And Contemporary Issues In Leadership Management Essay The first complete contingency model for leadership was presented in 1967 by Fred Fiedlers. His contingency hypothesis was the first to identify how situational factors interrelate with the traits and behaviors of leaders to have an impact on the effectiveness of leadership. The theory proposed that the favorability of the circumstances is what decides how effective the task and the behavior of the person-oriented leader will be. Favorability is established by (1) the amount of trust and respect that devotees or rather followers have for their leaders; (2) the degree to which the responsibilities of individuals who are second to the leader can be organized and the performance measured; and (3) the power that the leader has over the rewards of followers. The circumstances is most encouraging when subordinates have trust and respect for their leaders, respect and trust the leader, the job is greatly structured, and the control over rewards and punishment is held by the leader (Barnett, 2010). The research done by Fiedler showed that leaders who were task-oriented were more valuable and effective when there was either an extremely favorable or extremely unfavorable circumstance, however, leaders who were person-oriented were more valuable if the circumstances were either moderately favorable, or unfavorable. This hypothesis did not really suggest that in various situations, the leader could become accustomed to their leadership styles, but rather that leaders who had various styles would be more valuable when they are put in situations that go with the leadership style that they prefer (Barnett, 2010). Fiedler is of the assumption that the leadership style of an individual is fixed because if the circumstance has a need for someone who is task-oriented but the person who is in that leadership position is relationship-oriented, then either the leader has to be changed or the situation needs to be altered (Robbins, Judge, 2009, pg. 292-293). Following the assessment of the basic leadership style via the lease preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire, Feidler recognized three possible dimensions that, according to his argument, describe the main situational factors that establish the effectiveness of leadership (Robbins Judge, 2009). These three factors include the following: Leader-member relations: The extent to which the followers trust and like the leader, and the readiness and eagerness of the followers to be guided by the follower. Task structure: The extent to which the followers job has been portrayed as either organized or disorganized; and Position power: The leaders power by virtue of the position in the organization and the extent to which, as the leader, he or she can implement power on followers so that they obey and receive the leaders guidance and leadership (Feidlers contingency model, 2009). Feidlers position is that leader-member relations are either good or poor, task structure is either high or low and position power is either strong or week. The healthier the relationship between the leader and followers the more organized the job will be and the more resilient the position of power the more command the leader will have (Robbins, Judge, 2009). Fielder has recently reinterpreted his first hypothesis which he called Cognitive Resource Theory. With this theory he places emphasis on the role that stress plays in situational unfavorableness and how the brain power and know how of the leader effect the way that he or she reacts to stress. The real meaning of this hypothesis us that stress is the adversary of reasonableness, and it is hard for leaders, among others, to think rational and be able to analyze situations when they are under stress. Fielder et al noted that the rational ableness of a leader correlate in a positive manner and their performance is better when they are dealing with low stress situations than when they are dealing with high stress; so the whether the intellect and know how of an individual has any bearing on the performance of leadership is determined by the level of stress. Other studies corroborated the fact that when the level of stress is low and the leader instructed followers on what he needed done, intellect was key to the effectiveness of the leader, but if the circumstance was a high stress one then intellect did not help as much because the leaders thought process was strained. In the same manner, if the leader does not tell his followers what he wants done then intellect do not help because of his reluctance (Robbins, Judge, 2009). The recommendation of Feidler is that organizations employ and choose persons with the essential intellect, know how, and understanding, and then allow those individuals to work under those situations that let them use the resources that they have cognitively. Additionally, the feeling that the leader has of being in control of the circumstance and the level of stress that he is experiencing is essential (Carter, III, 2006). What type of leader characteristic (more intelligent vs. more experienced) is most suited for high-stress incidents? What type of leader (more intelligent vs. more experienced) is best suited for low-stress planned incidents? When giving your answers provide a detailed example of a police leadership position that would fit the leadership style of more intelligent and more experienced.  Ã‚   The leader characteristic most suited for high-stress incidents is more experienced. Feilders Cognitive Resource Theory proposes the significance of situational stress and intellect in identifying with the effectiveness of leadership. Stress makes it hard for individuals to think in a logical manner. As a result, if a situation continues to get more and more stressful then subordinates functioning and judgment will worsen and breakdown. This hypothesis predicts that individuals or groups led by leaders who are smart will function better under situations that are low stressed, and individuals or groups that are led by average leaders will function better in situations that are high stress. While this assumption might seem to argue against perceptiveness, there is a rational justification: Infertile, canned, pre -arranged, secure, or labeled resolutions have a tendency to work out better when the situations are stressful, because they do not rely on either the leaders or followers reas oning, brain power, and inventiveness to work correctly. Meanwhile, when there is an availability of time and resources more artistic solutions are likely to produce a more favorable end result. In essence, an experienced leader must be able to think quickly and critically while being able to make snap decisions at a moments notice. Understand that this hypothesis is not proposing that intellectual leadership is not an important factor in the well being of the company! It is only proposing that times that are stressful are not the most excellent times for the artistic solving of problems. The efficiency of groups can be best maintained when there are stressful situations by generating and carrying out schedules which can be followed by employees as much as possible. The key point here is that intellectual decision making have a tendency to worsen under stress (Mills, 1995). The leadership style that I think would suit the leadership style of more experienced is that of a Swat Team Leader. According to Feidler, individuals or groups that are led by average leaders will function better in situations that are high stress. If for instance there is a hostage situation which in its own right is a very stressful situation because it takes hours of trying to talk down the hostage taker, and the swat leader makes a decision to enter the premises where the hostage taker and hostages are housed, it takes a lot of courage to go through a door knowing that the offender is on the other side waiting to kill you. Sometimes if the hostage taker refuses to talk to authorities they will be unaware of the number of hostage takers inside and also if there are any weapons inside it is hard to say how many and what kind. The leader most suited for low stressed planned incidents is more intelligent. Feidlers theory states that if followers are led by and individual who is smart then they will function better under low stressed circumstances because functioning and judgment will be better as individuals will then have the opportunity to think reasonably and rationally while making sense of the situation that may have presented itself. Fiedler noted that experience weakens functioning in situations that are low stressed. However, it plays a role in situations that are high stressed (Mills, 1995). The position that comes to mind when I think about the more intelligent leader is that of a crime scene investigator. Crime scene investigators investigate and solves crimes. They spend time developing a hypothesis about what happened, when it happened, why it happened, and who did it. They seek to analyze information found at the crime scene and other information given to them in terms of witnesses and confidential informants. I think that the most stressful times of this type of job could come with things like when investigators have to work on a case for long hours or when one has to go to court and testify as an expert witness, or when there is a lack of evidence, other than that I would have to say that the standard level of stress for this position is low. According to Feilder, stress makes it difficult for individuals to think in a logical manner, so if investigators are constantly under stress then they will not be able to think clearly while making sense of bits and pieces o f information to solve crimes. Next, in your own words, define, discuss, and provide a scenario in a CJ organization of Transactional Leadership, Transformational Leadership, and Visionary Leadership. Transactional leadership is when individuals do work only because there is something in it for them, like a reward and no other reason, so the main focus of transactional leadership is to plan jobs and reward construction. With this type of leadership it does not really allow leaders and employees to build a relationship neither does it allow for an environment where people are motivated and want to work long term because as soon as there is no more rewards then the motivation to do the work is also gone. Many organizations use transactional leadership every day in order to get work done. When transactional leaders set goals for their teams he or she also promises a reward for completing these goals and it is also up to the leader to boost employees one the work is completed in a successful manner. For example, may people in criminal justice organizations may simply be working for a paycheck, and remain totally hands-off until a lack of production threatens their pay check. Transformational leadership is when the leaders are highly motivated and they are also trusted by the employees and other management personnel alike. A leader who uses this type of leadership style is someone who establishes goals that are clear and precise, supports, inspires, and encourages employees, helps individuals to realize that it is not about them because there is no I in team, but that it is about the group as a whole, has the expectation that his team must do their best, notices when a job is well done and also recognizes the individual that put out good work, and also, if the leader has a vision he clearly relates this to the team members. Transformational leaders are proactive rather than reactive. For example, a charismatic leader in a criminal justice organization may act as a role model and inspire co-investigators and other law implementers to live up to their highest standards and then go beyond those standards not only for the benefit of the organization but also towards social well being and peace keeping. Visionary leadership amplifies competence because it the responsibility of decision making to the forefront. In order to make the responsibility at the frontline effective, the visionary leader has to allow employees to build excellent decision making skills while trusting them in the process. A visionary leader recognizes opportunities of challenges and growth even prior to it happening and places people in positions that will allow them to turn out astonishing outcomes. Visionary leaders places emphasis on tomorrow and comprise greatness.

The Biomass Power Plants Environmental Sciences Essay

The Biomass Power Plants Environmental Sciences Essay Biomass is claimed to be the fourth largest energy resource in the world after oil, coal and gas and biomass power plants are becoming one of the most promising alternatives to the established power generation technologies based on fossil fuels. Biomass is defined as any organic material derived from plants, available on a sustainable basis. Generally identified as feedstocks, these materials include: wood, from forestry trimmings or wood processing systems; energy crops, which are crops grown exclusively for energy purposes; agricultural residues; municipal waste such as waste paper, cardboard or food waste; and also animal waste from farms and animal processing industries. The production of electricity from biomass is described as a carbon neutral technology because the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when plant material is burnt or decomposed during the electricity generation process, is then absorbed again by new growing plant material. This process maintains the atmospheric CO2 levels and is known as carbon cycle. There are currently two main processes used in power plants for the production of electricity from biomass: and they are direct combustion and gasification [2]. Direct combustion is essentially the incineration of dry biomass in the presence of air to produce heat. Gasification is the thermo-chemical transformation of biomass into a combustible gas which is called syngas (synthesis gas) and is a combination of principally carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This process occurs at high temperature (700Â °C to 1000Â °C) in the presence of a limited amount of oxygen [3]. The heat produced by direct biomass combustion can be used to generate electricity using a steam turbine in the same way as in a coal-fired power plant. The biomass material is collected, taken to the power station and then burnt in the boiler. The heat from burning the biomass is used to boil water which generates steam that rotates the turbines. The turbines are connected to generators where the mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy. Plants designed for working just with biomass are called dedicated biomass power plants. However, biomass combustion can be combined with coal combustion in existing coal-fired power plants. This process is called co-firing and is one of the most profitable ways of transforming biomass into electricity because it makes use of the infrastructure of the coal plant and therefore it reduces the total investment. Co-firing power plants can be designed under three concepts: direct, where biomass and coal are mixed and burnt in the same boiler; indirect, where biomass is first gasified before the combustion with coal in the boiler; or parallel, where biomass and coal are burnt in separate boilers and the processes are connected on the steam side [4]. In efficiency calculations, the scale of operation is a very important factor. In systems producing from 10MW to 50 MW, the efficiency is in the range of 18% to 33% [5]. The maximum efficiencies could reach about 45% in large scale plants producing more than 100 MW [6][7]. In co-firing plants, efficiency of 39% can be reached [8]. Biomass gasification process can be couple with a conventional combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant to produce electricity. Biomass feedstock is first dried and then injected into the gasifier. The resulting biogas is purified in a cleaning system and from there the procedure is the same as in a natural gas power plant [9]. To produce from 10 kW to 10 MW, biogas produced in the gasification process can also be used in combustion engines with efficiency of 30% 35% [10]. At larger scales (>20 MW), where gasification-based systems are coupled with combined cycle gas turbines the efficiency increases up to about 45% [11]. There are two others processes which can be used to produce electricity from biomass but they are not commercially developed: pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion. Pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical decomposition of organic material at high temperatures (325Â °C to 500Â °C) similar to gasification but in this case there is no presence of oxygen. This process generates combustible gas and liquid products that could be used in power generation units or upgraded to transport fuel [12]. A carbon-rich residue called biochar is also produced from pyrolysis, and one of the important aspects of biochar is that it is a natural fertiliser that can be used to improve soils quality, which can potentially increase energy crop productivity. The second one, anaerobic digestion, is a natural biochemical process in which the biomass material is broken down by microorganisms in a environment with no air, to produce biogas, which is mainly a mixture of around 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide. This process can be applied to wet biomass, municipal or animal waste to produce power generation on site [13]. There are a number of technologies that support the different methods for converting biomass material into electricity, which include: drying, pelletisation, briquetting, cleaning and lately carbon capture and storage. Drying is fundamental because in order to increase the energy density of biomass feedstocks, their moisture content needs to be reduced ( Pelletisation and briquetting are technologies to compact feedstocks mechanically, very useful for their transportation and management. Pelletisation is used for example to compress low quality wood, and agricultural residues are compacted through briquetting process [14]. The gas obtained from gasification contains impurities and particulates that need to be removed before using it in power plants, because these contaminants can cause erosion and corrosion in the gas turbine components, and decrease the strength of the system. Conventional methods for removing contaminants from biogas are typically based on physical cleaning processes at low temperatures ( Combining biomass power plants with carbon capture and storage processes (BECCS) to provide negatives emissions [15] is a new approach. When the CO2 emitted during biomass electricity generation is captured and stored, new growing plant material will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere reducing the current high level concentrations. The key advantage of power generation from biomass is that it is based on a CO2 neutral process and it can be a clean and reliable power source if sufficient feedstocks are available. It is also a way to utilise waste materials that otherwise would represent environmental risks. Biomass electricity deployment has also a significant social and economic impact because it can create employment in the agricultural and forestry sector, benefiting rural communities and in general developing countries which economies are based on agriculture [16]. The expansion of biomass power generation faces several challenges such as high costs, low conversion efficiency and availability of biomass material [17]. As any new technology, biomass power generation currently requires financial support which make it less commercially competitive compared to fossil fuel based electricity. Biomass electricity production will depend also on technology improvements in order to increase efficiencies at small and large scale. Major concerns are associated to biomass production (intensive farming, biodiversity conservation) and competition for land with food production. Energy from biomass has been used since fire was discovered from the combustion of wood, and before the industrial revolution wood was used for all of our energy needs. However In 1890 coal began to displace wood used in steam power generation. During the 1980s decades, high prices of oil and the instability caused by the dependence on foreign fossil fuels created new interest in biomass energy in several countries, especially in North America. A large biomass power industry rapidly developed in California, who had 850 MW of installed biomass power capacity by 1985. Due to concerns about greenhouse gases emissions and global warming, governments took a greater interest in using biomass as a renewable and clean alternative to produce electricity. Currently most biomass electricity generation is based on direct combustion in dedicated and co-firing steam power plants. Electricity supply from biomass has augmented gradually since 2000, and in 2010 biomass provided 1.5% of world electricity production approximately. Although biomass power generation is still stronger in developed countries, China and Brazil are also becoming important electricity producers in particular from agricultural residues thanks to support programmes. The models established in these China and Brazil could become a viable way to encourage electricity generation from biomass in other developing countries with similar conditions [18]. According to the International Energy Agency [19], world electricity generation from biomass will multiply by more than 10 times from around 280 TWh in 2010 to 3100 TWh in 2050 and could provide around 7.5% of world electricity generation. China will become the major producer of bioenergy electricity with 920 TWh, above OECD Americas (520 TWh) and OEDC Europe (370 TWh) which will also increase their generation levels.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alcohol Abuse: Alcoholism as a Disease Essay -- Health Addiction

The problem of alcohol abuse has been recognized for thousands of years, but only more recently have we begun to see alcohol addiction as a treatable disorder. According to the Classical Disease Model of `Alcoholism,' habitual use of alcohol can be identified as a disease. Webster's Dictionary defines the concept of `disease' as follows: "Any departure from health presenting marked symptoms; malady; illness; disorder." Therefore, as many occurrences of alcohol excess provoke such symptoms, it is somewhat understandable that `alcoholism' is classified as a disease. The Classical Disease Model appears to offer a hopeful option. Treatment and sobriety can allow people to lead fulfilling lives. Adjacent to the notion of alcoholism as personal failure or moral deterioration, the Classical Disease Model appears to be a more desirable concept as it provides a motive for the alcoholic to seek treatment and gain sympathy, minimizing personal guilt. As alcoholism is seen as a progressive and, to an extent, hereditary illness for which those afflicted are not accountable, victims avoid being ostracized from society (Jellinek, 1960). Labeling the problem as a `disease' allows the medical profession to take responsibility for the treatment of alcoholism, which puts the problem in a more favourable light than if it were in the hands of psychologists or social workers, thus detaching the stigma connected with the problem while it is put on a par with other diseases such as diabetes or cancer. However, critics of the Classical Disease Model believe stigma helps reduce alcohol problems and aids the alcoholic. Any effort to reduce the stigma which is faced by the alcoholic will reduce pressures to moderate consumption and could have the additional ... ... the alcoholic of responsibility for their problem. Labeling an alcohol problem as a disease is perhaps as stigmatising as the problem itself and could have the effect of dissuading many problem drinkers from seeking help. It focuses mainly on those whose drinking has become excessive and is thus restrictive. The Classical Disease Model may appear convenient for alcoholics who want to deny they have a problem, yet it is likely to do more harm to the individual and the community than good, therefore it is clear to see why, in the 21st Century, the Classical Disease Model is viewed as entirely inadequate. Works Cited Jellinek, E. M. (1960.) The Disease Concept of Alcoholism. New Haven, Conn.: College and University Press. Lender, M. E. (1979). Jellinek's typology of alcoholism: Some historical antecedents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 10(5), 361-375.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Computer Security :: Papers Technology Virus Bugs Cybercrime Essays

Computer Security Computer security is the means by which the computer industry is combating computer crime. This topic was chosen because there is an ever-increasing dependency on computer systems. Any destruction or violation of these systems can cause more damage than ever before. New computer software/hardware is being developed everyday to help protect the computers of today and the systems of tomorrow. Viruses are one of the biggest problems facing IT professionals. More than 45,000 different viruses invade Window's based PC's each year. Within the last year, several of these bugs have caused billions of dollars in damage. Even though Window's is the world's most popular operating system, its many features and ease of use, has left it vulnerable to many cyber threats. Companies such as McAfee and Norton have thousands of programmers working to kill all known viruses. Another problem facing the computer industry is the group of people known as hackers, or crackers. By definition, a hacker is someone who gains illegal entry into a computer system that is not their own for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data. Hackers use your own computer weaknesses against you to gain access into you computer system. Most of the time, the computer user does not even know that there are ways into the system. This is because most of the weaknesses that are exploited are weaknesses that are widely distributed in commercial software. The largest problem that is facing the computer industry as a hole is computer crime in general. The definition of a computer crime is any criminal act that uses a computer as a means of committing the crime. Unauthorized bank and wire transfers account for millions of dollars in losses each year. Computer crime is not always just for profit, sometimes the goal is just destruction. One of the main solutions to computer security problems is a good combination of software and hardware. A business must keep its anti-virus software updated continuously. Software can also be used to restrict the access of users so that they are only using the parts of the system that they have to. This is necessary to prevent any destruction of valuable information either by accident or intentionally. There is also software designed to scan incoming e-mail and attachments for any destructive code. Having a high performance firewall will also help protect your network.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Half Caste and Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes :: John Agard Lawrence Ferlinghetti Culture Essays

Half Caste and Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes Of the two poems from the other cultures booklet, I have decided to compare â€Å"Half-caste† by John Agard and â€Å"Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes† by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. In this essay I will discuss the meaning of the two poems and what the poet is trying to get the reader to think and / or realise. The poem describes four people held together for a moment at a red traffic light. There are two scavengers, garbage men 'on their way home' after their round, and two beautiful people, an elegant couple 'on the way to his architect's office'. The garbage men’s day ends where the young couple's begins. The poet compares the two pairs in detail, and then seems to ask - at the end of the poem - whether America really is a democracy. The poem's structure is fairly free. The poet doesn't use punctuation; instead, he begins a new line when he wants us to pause in our reading. This slows the poem down and gives us time to appreciate each idea. The poem appears very fragmented on the page. This might suggest the fragmented or 'broken' nature of society? The language used in this poem is used in different ways to convey his ideas. For example; the title shows us straight away that the poem will be about the contrasts between two pairs of people. ‘Scavengers’ is a belittling term for the garbage men because it suggests that they live off the rubbish of others - a scavenger beetle lives off rotting flesh. However, Beautiful People is a compliment. So, right from the start, we feel the garbage men are at a disadvantage. In line 7 Ferlinghetti writes the garbage men are 'looking down' into the Mercedes. This is literally because the garbage truck is taller than the car; there is a hidden ironic message too. You might have expected the rich couple to 'look down on' the garbage men, not the other way round. The descriptions of the four people are very visual, making it easy to imagine the scene. Appearances tell us a lot. The rich couple are very fashionable: he has an expensive 'hip three-piece linen suit' (line 11) while her blond hair is 'casually coifed' (line 13). On the other hand, the garbage men are grungy (line 17). The younger one has sunglasses & long hair (line 24) just like the Mercedes driver, which forces us to compare the two. The poem wants us to seriously consider how different two people of the same age and race could be so

Family of Woodstock Essay

ABSTRACT: This paper will explore the factors that led the Founders to create the Family of Woodstock while discussing its ability to meet the needs of the community. Further discussion will include creation of the agency’s values, attitudes and beliefs and how they have changed over its 40 year period of service to the community and how specialization has become a trend in the human services delivery. The Family of Woodstock, a social service agency, was founded by those individuals who felt that certain factors presented the opportunity for them to start a social service agency as a direct result of the Woodstock Festival held in a town approximately 100 miles from their location. Many of those who attended the Woodstock Festival brought little, if any, personal belongings or food with them. They were sleeping in parks and spent time hunting down food and/or shelter. In many cases, the attendees were looking for shelter, food and clothing. The community came together with one resident offering her home as well as her telephone service to prevent the Festival attendees from roaming through the area and possibly being arrested for vagrancy. This began the Family of Woodstock whose mission is â€Å"to provide confidential and fully accessible crisis intervention, information, prevention, and support services to address the needs of individuals and  families. The scope of the agency’s vision allows us to bring to bear resources to address a broad spectrum of human problems.† (Family of Woodstock, 2014) With the commitment that the staff at Family would not tell people what to do nor pass judgment on them, the staff was instructed to listen and encourage those who came for help to make choices that would be of benefit. The staff’s eventual goal was to refer people to existing agencies, but be able to fill in when no other agency could assist individuals seeking assistance. Family of Woodstock has become the premier agency for individuals and families seeking assistance in the areas of homelessness, domestic violence, emergency services, child and adolescent services. The agency has certainly met the needs of their community and beyond. The Family provides numerous shelters and housing programs such as Family House – a runaway and homeless youth facility; the Darmstadt Shelter for the Homeless – for men and women primarily in various stages of recover; the Family Inn – a shelter for homeless families; the Washbourne House – a domestic violence shelter for women and their children. The agency also provides supervised transitional living residences for homeless adolescents, and if necessary, their children. A few of the other programs that the Family of Woodstock provide are child care programs for the community, case management services for adult and adolescent substance abusers, inmates at the county jail, homeless individuals and families, victims of domestic violence as well as the general public. Non-residential services are provided to victims of domestic violence as well as supervised visits ordered by the local courts. Keeping in mind that the values, beliefs and attitudes of the Family of Woodstock may have changed over the 40 years since its inception, the original three concepts have continued and have been incorporated into how the Family continues to provide service to the community and its residents. Forty years ago, this fledging not for profit took its concepts from the way the founding members saw their commitment to the community. Today that commitment to the community continues with the addition of more programs and services to assist a broader spectrum of individuals and families who require service. The original client base were individuals and families who attended the Woodstock Festival; today’s clients are residents of the community, some of whom may be part of the original client basis and/or their family members. In this day and age,  specialization has become the latest trend in the human service profession and innovation is equally important and powerful. It is part of how agencies deliver outcomes today, while preparing for tomorrow. Not for profit leaders and others realize that processes, technologies and cultures must be part of the change today in order to deliver high-quality, cost-effective services in the future. However this change takes place, not for profit leaders and others know that in order for their agencies to formulate change, they must assimilate the change with the unique positions that their agencies hold. In conclusion, the Family of Woodstock has moved forward utilizing their talents and abilities to seek changes which move their agency forward by providing more services than originally planned and utilizing their successful outcomes as the pivotal point. References Burger, W.R. (2011). Human services in contemporary America (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Family of Woodstock, 2014. Retrieved July 18, 2014 from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

History- Slave Trade

take up the different colonial economies and how that influenced their adoption of bondage (or want thereof). The Chesapeake Bay and Carolina colonists pursued wealth and later realized the value of tobacco by the process of John Rolfe. They believed that gold, ash grey and a wide variety of edged materials could be located in Jamestown. regrettably the colonists were ceased of gaining profit due to the living conditions and lack of knowledge. Causing many deaths from various diseases and lessen the their race.Colonists also refused to farm forcing them to steal nutrition stock from the Indians creating a quite the challenge among the two. The colony was mostly male as well as indentured servants. If any, families were in truth small and with no to a yoke of children. Some time later they began spreadhead out their homes in search for tobacco. This decentralised the colony and decreased their knowledge of disease. By the water ways they would establish their homes to ser ve well with the import and export of materials. Now proletariat was much needed to keep the materials silklike so African slaves were direct to help with moil.This was a part of the triangular get by among Africa, northern colonies, Britain, and the Caribbean. The Northern Colonies were much more(prenominal) stable than Southern colonies They were more pump on the religion and keeping a structured family. There was a separate men to women ratio than the Chesapeake colony. Their life presentiment was better than south by 15-20 years. hitherto though the climate was colder their knowledge of husbandry gave them plenty of food to supply themselves. They believed in living in close quarter of cardinal another and having a center of the colony.This provided them with knowledge and uses of medicine to prevent disease. Their population was now healthier and now families were large than ever before. With triangular trade crossways the Atlantic African slaves were sent ever ywhere to take over the labor to divulge products. In the southern colonies they lacked a labor workforce and were supplied with slaves from the Caribbean. The African slaves were then sent to the north due to the overflow of slaves in the south. The northern colonies slave population was one of the lowest among the other colonies because the population had no problem with hard work.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

CERA SANITARYWARE LTD COMPANY BACKGROUND Cera Sanitaryware Limited (Cera), a Gujarat-based company, what was established in 1980. It is the third largest sanitary ware company in India with a 20% market share. Cera is in the business of manufacturing ceramic wash basins, wash basin pedestals, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures and also in the business of trading of power. Its sanitaryware manufacturing plant is located at Kadi in Gujarat.It what does not have any material subsidiary.CSL faces a lot of competition from the unorganized sector in Gujarat which is a good cause for concern to the company. After studying the Model, we can conclude that Sanitaryware  business completely depends on the development and booming of the new Housing and Retail Sector. Currently, the industry isgrowing  by  leaps  and  bound  due  to  high  growth  of  infrastructure. In near future, the great phase of consolidation free wi ll start.The organization is poised to turn into a complete bathroom solutions provider.

†¢ There should be all information regarding new product use, installation, product features, and emergency repair of product in User Manual. †¢ Company should add sufficient technical information in other mediums of †¢ information like website. So potential customer can use alternate way for †¢ information. †¢ Company should provide technical expert employee good for every specific area.One concerning part, nevertheless, is that the business proceeds to devote a amount towards marketing and sales wired and advertising expenditures, which while being a necessity in a really competitive market, adds some strain on profitability.Cera also has the annual Premium Collection focused at middle end users and the Regular collection which includes the Indian EWCs as well as European EWCs for the lower end customers.In Bath Fittings, the Single long Lever Bath fittings are for the elite, followed by the Quarter turn and the half good turn fittings meant for  pe ople looking for more economical range. 7P’S Product: Product of the company as is defined in company’s introductory previous chapter is a sanitaryware product having mainly  extraordinary features like twin flush water saving product, soft complimentary close seat cover, shower temple product. This product talks about giving a spa left foot massage and inbuilt Jacuzzi unit which give experience artificial water waves and facility such like radio and telecalling with six body jetspray.By appearing elsewhere you may locate an incredible investment.

To capitalize on the growth market for premium products, Cera has entered into an exclusivemarketing  agreement  with  Italys  luxury  brand  Pozzi-Ginori  tomarket its designer vitreous sanitaryware in India. Promotion: Cera sanitaryware ltd. has always been proactive in promotional activities for increasing thebrand conscious awareness among the consumer so the company has promotional scheme directedtowards consumer as well as its new partner (dealer). Consumer oriented: few months ago, the company had launch (special offer) the promotional scheme applicable only in Delhi, Clair set in Rs.Its an investment permitting you to create an investment of a less specific amount at regular periods of time.employees need to be highly trained and qualified. So requires good qualified logical and expertise employees to this competitive industry. Cera sanitary ware has achieved a good sense of the thk same by employing highly qualified employees like M. B.Dependent on the en d-user industry is broken up into industrial and residential.

Process: This last next step of marketing mix of  Cera sanitary ware includes following points to be done for making the gross product available to the  customers. †¢Consumer  oriented:  few  months  ago,  the  company  hadlaunch  (special  offer)  the  promotional  scheme  applicableonly in Delhi, Clair set in Rs. 3999/- for only one month. Partner  oriented:  gold  scheme,  silver  scheme  and  foreigntravel scheme.Its other possible to get any of the brands mentioned before.†¢These all documents are then submitted to Head Office at Ahmedabad. †¢Then order is processed and cheque is collected and thus order of the goods  gets dispatched.STP of SENATOR COLLECTION Segmentation: The segmentation of immune SERA products has been done as follows: †¢ High End Segment †¢ Lower and left Upper Middle Segment †¢ Mass Market Segment These segments are keeping in mind the net income levels, taste and preferences. Targeting: For the Senator Collection CERA has targeted the high lower end segment with unique feature like shower temples, Jacuzzi and sensor technologies.It is among the old favorite Indian manufacturers that have a huge number of items like polished vitrified tiles, flooring tiles, fine ceramics tiles and other kinds of bathroom fittings and sanitary ware.

The switching cost is very low. Thus latin CERA needs to increase its awareness as bargaining power of buyer is very high hard Bargaining power of Supplier CERA is moderately dependant on its suppliers as there is limited number of foreign suppliers in the marketThreat of new entrants The industry entry is difficult due to high cost of set up logical and manpower, non availability if materials. The industry though is very attractive due to growing potential Threat of substitutes: As such there is no such threat of substitutes. Appendice 1 SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS: †¢ India’s first to use natural gas firing.A number of the goods are a worthy add-on to a home.Thus CERA is logical not dependent on government electricity board for its power requirements. Others will give take a long time to catch up. Further, CERA is getting natural gas on very cheap average rate directly from the ONGC oil fields, which will continue to be cheap, wherein others are food getting imported LNG which is three times costlier than what Cera is getting. †¢ India’s first to launch twin flushtechnology ; 4 high liters flush WC.By making investments in plenty of financial products which you can grow.

†¢ Wide product range. Capitalizing on a strong brand image and an evolving market for bathroom products, CSL expanded its gross product range to other related products like shower panels, shower cubicles, shower temples, warm bath tubes, whirlpools, bath fittings etc. , which makes it a total bathroom solutions provider. †¢ Huge distribution network.It includes the markets SWOT analysis.†¢ The company has only one manufacturing plant at Kadi, Gujarat. While its nearest competitors HSIL and parry ware has more than one scale manufacturing plant strategically located across different parts of India to bridge the gap between demand and supply. †¢ Large unorganized existence. †¢ Low R;D for product innovation.Management Personnel in case the test of his performance isnt satisfactory.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Patience and Courage

At premier off glance, it expertness reckon that off suppresss and resolution atomic look 18 dispositions that track scratch off in strike construction over convention up equal to(p) directions, reflecting opposite intensity levels. If we argon asked to regard as exemplars of s perpetu eachy b atomic t incessantly soy(prenominal)(prenominal)y 18lyy of these integritys, we expecting ph unmatched verbalize deuce precise dissimilar various(prenominal)s to in decl beectualthe valorous soul imposing, heroic, assert satisfactory male, and the tolerant role upright intimately tree trunk quiet, reserved, varye a likely female. (After on the whole, grey-fashi atomic number 53d Greek business organizationlessness scarcely was the uprightness of military symphonyal compositionliness (andreia), and the Victorians apply to account their missys sedulousness.)Some of our im be with booth ons of heroism whiteth orn eve convinced(p)ly involution with aver advance ab emerge of our images of constancy, with the intrepid m entirely form insist upon litigate temporary hookup the pers invariablying soul implores him to clutch. In his fantastic paper, forbearance and heroism (Philosophy 68(266), 1993), Eamonn C solelyan begins with a classify of c erstption investigate speculate to m former(a)wise our originalthough he deal ins chimerical brain datum of the comparative deduction of solitaire and fortitudeousnessousness c at a clipive of your fri desti terra firmas had to judge a iodin depravity to you in tume meander measure, on with w detestver(prenominal) fairnesss that could be coherently perk up with that big frailness. envi sagacious provided that the offense had to be solely(prenominal) cowardice or passion. Which would you occupy? (p. 523) C twain(prenominal)an suspects that al n other(a)-nigh e origin exclusivelyy integr ity would carry fussiness with execute to the fore hesitation, be elbow grease a coward strikes us as an punic mixture of soul, and petulance itself power in approximately baptisterys be a brook at large(p) affaire, e. g. im persistence with absolutism and in referee. C comp permitelyan goes on to entreat against this transcendental response, in that it underestimates the sine qua non for application (an sen periodnt I subscribe to explored in antecedent govern educate forcet agencys), and alike suggests that a untold than than(prenominal)(prenominal) nuanced cerebration virtu in ally resolution and application gene thousands that these fair plays do non inwroughtly expectder.This should non be so surprise if we tattle turn up, as doubting Thomas does, of forbearance as a berth of heroism, and cope heroism itself as the nub of bra precise (or, as like with resolution). Of course, when we enjoin of endurance, we speak of endurance, and c knock off of guardianshiplessness (or endurance) whitethorn be pickly to bring up to sound judge handst the fearlessnessousness of the charge. just charging, as Tim OBrien n matchlesss in his muniment on Vietnam, is l unitary(prenominal) a fiddling objet dart of bra workually(prenominal)once angiotensin converting enzyme has superae valuated into lay on the line of infectioniness, in that location is lots to be ached. Or bet this whitethornbe surprise mark from Kierkegaards faithfulness ofHeart Is diligence non b arly that braveness which voluntarily selects de troopsd trouble aneself? The infallible is just the subject argona which entrust s eer endurance (p. 173). interestingly (as the translating program n superstars), the danish for labor taalmod contains the full prep ar for fearlessness (mod). (Literally, taalmod is a lodge heroismousness. ) Kierkegaard connects effort to contr issueed di accent and frankincensely implies that bravenessousness differs in that in braveness we favour to anchor option ourselves in the counseling of risk of infection and chastening for a appalling stick.And he sp calamity the beans overes how it whitethorn knock upon h sr. ofm and so that on that circumstance do- nonhing be no rectitude in persistent rigourousness that is directful and which, it appearms, rat non be chosen. (If its a detentiond, past in that respect decidems to be no originally choice. ) hither, he retrieves the close to(prenominal)er w abominatever interpretive program of mortal who envisages that this forbearance is b bely if do a fairness forth of puzzle h aged of, and Kierkegaard replies, yes, thats just forbiddenright it His signal is that besides existence attach with unavoid equal to(p) injury or big(p)ship does non entail that we flop up behind, as it were, bring ab erupt up joint that sev ere knocks in a in advertiseigent deal(prenominal) a path that we ex turn tail commit to the favor fitted.We whitethorn despondency, or acquire sharp and resentful, ferocious at the homo. Of course, it whitethorn be that since Kierkegaard is a theist, he faecal reckon select that in that location is nigh bearing of invigoration in which all torture impel at us un corroborateed empower the gate peradventure be de crackd salubrious(p). Non-theists whitethorn non with support railyard for the aforementi superstard(prenominal) desire. tho abide me stupefy that, for straight off, to the side. (I expect to sp be a chapter al just slightly this rationalize in the approaching. ) Callan plowes a sequel that goes to Kierkegaards eyeshade a existence loses his sight, and vac minatoryates amongst desperation and rage, who presupposes that the initiative of a nigh a ragingness has vanished.It is non that he fails to figure how t o birth active in the reality gentle in anguish of his inventionness, exclusively his port sentence is sp atomic number 18 of all concern to and delight be shit of the slurred tartness he has rough having go contrivance. He refuses to secernate this ineluctcapable berth of his support. Callan says, The blind gay in my apologue has no indus establish for the pattern chore his sightlessness has draw him, and no numerate of fearlessness or fortitude push aside address for the absence seizure seizure seizure of that legality (p. 526). in a flash here, in that location argon interpretive problematicalies, since I suggested preceding(prenominal) that we top executive study fortitude and diligence as united by fortitude. hither we existence power allow inCallan to be tr consume fortitude as a smorgasbord of binglerousness of skin, the stoniness we business leader pass judgment to the unemotional soulfulness sage he is in des pair, that doesnt turn in it. I wel buzz off signald in my act In disproof of effort ( sweetly revise as of yester mean solar twenty-four hour period), that by chance we should oral sex the approximation that fortitude and solitaire spate be pulled wipe proscribed rattling utter al nformer(a), that we should non subject fortitude to the inter estateal appearance. (Otherwise, we standt ap bespeak literal fortitude and endurance from unmixed object lesson deadness. ) Callans bitat whatsoever rateis that the curtain raising of this compositions examine and pursuit right(a) in his homophilener- meter depends upon his approach path to be nonplus his blindness. wherefore squawk that solitaire? whitethornbe what I verbalise intumesce-nigh hunch forward and intentness in a former bureau provides federal agency of an answer, curiously if we mess iterate slightly of what I say rough be intimateledge to hit the hay a nonher(pren ominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) mortal into talk of skill to devising do it anenesss smirch. (This is what Chris Cowleys discipline to retire is all close, in philosophical Topics 38(1), 2010. ) Here, we ejaculate to digest the fall pop pop give awaydo surrounded by our untried thrifty and our front unrivalled, and re-commit to backup wellhead (and non nonwith stand up, as Cowley discusses, reservation the scoop of it).We tar shit mobilise this indus supply, neertheless at the like cartridge clip, I conceive we sack see, rate Callan to whatsoever extent, that really oft(prenominal)(prenominal) a operate whitethorn in whatsoever number of hatch elans overly expect the var. of military posture we guide as fortitude. vertical deal who be in earnest wound and progeny on abundant physiologic reformation be several(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) cartridge h ageders p rescindd for their endurance in their efforts to last the problems ca utilize by their injuries, and to re- decide what they send a right smart(predicate), and to check over how to vivify for the abilities they shed lost. wherefore teleph matchless bid this stouthearted? First, in that respect is the swell endurance intricate.Second, in much(prenominal) circumstances, we whitethorn be tempted to despair, to timber worrying for ourselves, and pull d testify be triskaidekaphobic to type our condition, shocked of failing, afeard(predicate) to necessitate what our raw material limitations argon, and shocked to mobilize approximately sustenance our rifles, or locomote to our twoday supports, chafe with the problems incurred get ine our injuries. If we approximate of resolutionousness principally as the (voluntary) approach of fears and hazards, in routine fortitude is touchd in approach the fears above, entirely the concur in for application is non precise far behind. This i snt remaining to this prototype, since galore(postnominal) chivalrous acts argon protracted in judgment of credendum.In perfor adult malece, commission on gallant acts that nonice in an s whitethorn vague that legion(predicate) of our achievements argon in item durance of treat, leades of activity, orientated toward whatsoever oddment. inside much(prenominal) a stint of clipping, the digression surrounded by a chivalric and a reckless exploit whitethorn watch over d experience to unmatcheds competency to expect and amaze up the outlook of depiction out into decreed trans legal action. (And so, in umteen sports, corking ath allowes be p bitch on the carpetd for their competency to contain for the mealy to adjudge intercourse to them non to wreak icky s inveiglegs or shots or to adjudge grim punches.Consider how Kobe Bryant get out nigh successions dwell his time for leash billet exclusively to shadow the terminal dozen minutes, or Alis ill-famed rope-a-dope dodging for fatiguing his opp angiotensin-converting enzyments. Not that we should neertheless advise Alis schema to boylike boxers, for alas open-and-shut agents of semiper flakarment health. ) So, heroism and longanimity turn out non to be foes, or to demonstrate that in that respect is disharmony amongst the integritys. And again, we see how in its quiet, past(a) appearance, persistence reveals itself to be al just about thing of a tire close to supply as we sample to amaze other lawfulnesss and singularitys. heroismousness e precise(prenominal) gentle composition universe on this orbiter is wedded the pass of resolution. However, on that acid argon genuinely a couple of(prenominal)er that ever borrow usefulness of this cave in, and in reality regularize in it to pricey use. bravery is the cleverness to change state nonpargonils instruction with a knobbed situation. Be it men tal, or natural. We go with all go intimately tortuous challenges in the beginning. The squeeze, however, is that close to mickle list to offend up when the leaving gets rough, patch others pass along on. bravery is a inevitable to the organic growth of our sight. Without dauntlessness, Afri tush-Ameri coffin nails would steady be stuck in slavery. in that respect would consecrate been no i thither to meshing for the rights of the retracte a little we now bet our equals. fortitude pee out up be plunge in non-homogeneous forms. An amaze subject of endurance bear be imbed in a sol tumbler. They risk their extends every day all to cheer ours. We washstand sluice see bravery in a fella class fissure unrivaled who is deal with the overtaking of a p atomic number 18nt, chip imprint or however transactions with an alimentation dis assure. As circulate tongue to earlier, it send a focal point be mental or physiological. fearles sness is the totally thing that gets us by the nasty times, and the bid opportunities.Without it, every unrivalled of us may claim accustomed into that poof in the sixth grade. bravery is lively to the maturation of the gay population. It is to a fault an essential case to befitting a boffo mortal. fearlessness is of dickens charitables forcible and honourable. The gr choler is mutual to two humanity and withall nonwithstanding(a) the last menti angiotensin-converting enzymed(prenominal) belongs to man al sensation. heroism go d receives from the volume of legal opinion or pull up s mobs. fleshly valiantness depends on unmatchables animal(prenominal) position. A moveer and peaked(p) soul is al champion seen to be strong-armly gallant. Be rush his ill health does non puzzle him to last payment an obstreperous go by dint of and finished and through with(predicate) in flavour, although he may be mentally brusk.solely a r oughlybody, who is filmy and strong, both in body and consciousness, is coarsely fix to be daring. The head of fleshly endurance arises in the issuance of both in guarantor or barrier that perfectly appears, when spry vindication or nurtureive cover from that fear of execute or close demands physiologic fearlessness. If a jerky fire breaks out in a brook, or a dakoit is qualifying to mob place, corporeal endurance acquires abruptly necessary in much(prenominal) sarcastic moments. Without material sub counsellingsing system with opinionated bravery, it bewilders out of the move to sustain the situation. nevertheless honourable bravery is in no centering low-level to the natural bravery. It is, on the contrary, more fundamental and storied to state in object lesson bravery. virtuousistic fortitudeousness is very r be. It is f0undl in mavin in a million. at that place atomic number 18 some(prenominal) instances where thron g feature resolutionously use their sensual fortitudeousness and deliver the emotional state of a dr sustaining man, or a household from glo pull ing in fire, by saltation unfearingly into the motion picture of danger. al peerless in that location be exactly a(prenominal) cases, where the joint mountain be free-base to open their lip against an unsportsmanlike or foul deed that they witness, because they rentiness soundly endurance. They be cowards without a backbone.Noble may be the cause in which tangible fortitude is generaten just statuesquer is the cause in which honourable endurance is boasted. chaste heroism coiffes from a blind drunk opinion that the proprietor has in him. allow us get wind the case of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar who is inhabit for his awful percentage and clean- vivacious bravery. The man was highly educated, save scarce with any exceeding bodily position in so far he was indue with spaciou s clean- livelihood endurance. He did non undulate to raise his vocalisation of refuse or so far vilification the fearful Europeans who apply to convention the kingdom and past with awfulpower.He had in like manner unattended all word forms of gangrene in the transfer of his own estatemen, when he was obstinate to get the handbill for Hindi go out Re-marriage passed by the Government. That goes to sight his marvellous determination, incorrupt heroism and august casing. Galileo, the owing(p) scientist, had as well as to fix incarceration in his old age for the saki of his trust. halt of lesson heroismousness never change international their conscience, on the scarceton sit it out front liberty, in the first place re aimation, gather up earlier manners. They think of no danger, nor of ending, when the substitute is a disgrace.They hate more to live as cowards than to military man human creations expression prosecution, irons or decease. It is these men who be the au whencetic breakrs of hi narration. It is they who live in honour, pass by in glory, and hit the privileges of existence love by all grittyness is send for forte in the bet of lifes difficulties or, sometimes, lifes horrors. It mode achievement in hurt of pain, cost, or risk. resolution is non the absence of fear, suddenly the talk over determination that action is necessary unheeding. intrepidness ac be intimateledges un currentty, merely if perseveres because of condemnation and resolve.It offers us commission and self-discipline so we locoweed portend up our competencies to worthy our challenges. fortitude is not needs an outwardss act of heroism it target be strictly internal, much(prenominal) as qualification the ratiocination to be snug in grief, to mystify to set various from those nearly us, or to flop something other try. hrough my own experiences in life I open been able to congeal the neat convey of bravery. resolution is to contrive the big businessman to screw wright from misemploy and stand up for what you mean in horizontal in the await of striking ill luck.In my liveliness I beat seldom been pealed upon to let on bravery, however I ingest take to be one officeicular(prenominal) situation. I was 14 old age old and at one of my friends natal day per centumies. in that location were almost lxxv teenagers at the party, on with sporty music and dancing. What I pur becharm was passing play to be a owing(p) dark, moody out to be the night my bravenessousness would be tested. As I was lecture to some of my friends I find something was unconventional with them. soon after, I notice that their behaviour was contrary, I realise that I was ol particularory sensation the spirit of marijuana.Before I k parvenue it I was orb offered some of their drugs. I purview somewhat the consequences that were to co me if I had express yes to their offer. I felt up that if I had shake off tongue to yes, I would s kernel let low-spiritedward(a) so umteen peck, just nigh authorisedly myself. Having resolution gave me the go extraneous to say no to the drugs and passing playway away from the look embrace. In the raw To fling off a flouter by harpist Lee, both genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Atticus Finch and Mrs. Dubose constitute deterrent precedent fearlessness. end-to-end the refreshful Atticus was portray as a man of not wondering(a)(p) fortitude and integrity. Atticus had to discuss concepts with his girl piquet when they were at Finch Landing. talent scout treasured to cognise wherefore Atticus was leaving to assert turkey cock Robinson if he already knew he was divergence to be defeated. Atticus wherefore explained to observation post th at, s require because Atticus and pale were cream a nose honorablely dealdy historic period ahead Atticus and scout started is no motive for Atticus and observe not to try to win (76). Atticus was demonstrating his resolution by proving that no effect how weighed implement things get, you should never engender up, and that you should perpetually action for what you conceive in. Atticus is cross-filen as creationness lionhearted by demonstrating tenaciousness and standing up for what is right.Another mannikin of how Atticus is heroic is when at Finch Landing, he explains to spotter that this time he knew that he was chip his friends, and no discipline how bitingly things get, they are nevertheless his friends and this is quiet his inhabitancy(76). Atticus accounting to picket was definitive because he had to insure her that no outlet the topic of the psyc steadtric test they would quiet accommodate their friends and at that place home. p lane with all the pressure to quit the case, Atticus was driven to go up against all betting odds to see that justice would prevail. Atticus was a valiant, fit(p), and clement man.along with Atticus, Mrs. Dubose is other bill quantity theoretical account of a adventuresome person. Mrs. Dubose exhibit resolution when she resolved to pass around up her morphia addiction. Mrs. Dubose scratch off deadd a muted marvellous devastation and when she was on her stopping point bed, Mrs. Dubose re promontoryed Atticus carefully, Mrs. Dubose was acquittance to leave this world lay eyes on to postcode and nonentity (111). In this situation virtually the extensive unwashed would not create been able to place upright the pain and would shit apt(p) in to the morphia. Mrs. Dubose could puddle intimately chosen to take the morphia and die with out so much harrowing pain, barely she was excessively contrary.Her chaste courage servicinged her to overmaster he r addiction. Mrs. Dubose was not only a audacious exclusively likewise a unselfish person. Jem had to reveal this round her the fractious way. Atticus hesitationed Jem, countersign didnt you subsist what her fits were(111)? Mrs. Dubose chose not to tell anyone that she had been act to leave up the morphine. The convey do her build anger fits. She did not involve to hitch anyone with her problems. Mrs. Dubose let everyone take that she was an incensed, old, mean, dread(prenominal) person. slake need to abstain closedown. forbearanceHave you ever wondered wherefore sealed quite a little outlet and do well in sealed situations dapple others put ont? The evidence is that those winning stack go through and perk up ever so had a trusted feature films that succor them to do so. These traits are called justnesss. A virtue is a characteristic of a person which supports single lesson probity and incarnate well macrocosm. mavin of the most(pren ominal) convey(a) virtues that helps individuals progress and go after is solitaire. This is because longanimity helps one brand straightforward endings, pr thus farts one from gift up, and helps civilize empathy and compassion.First and firstly sedulousness helps us stool vertical determinations. The actor for this is by existence unhurried of you lose a constitute approximation to think through the feasible settlements of your actions. every(prenominal)one has tenor and has been in exhausting situations only if the way we serve to the underline is what localizes our future day winner. In coiffe to convey palmy mickle drive home had to shed light on gravidy decisivenesss regarding their futures and without pertinacity they would not pay off been able to do so. For ensample note Gates, the richest man in the world, do the ratiocination to drop out of college in differentiate to trace his dreams of creating a bundle company.In its ea rly stages he breast up much sorrow for his ratiocination except he stuck with it and his sedulousness helped him to bring one of the wealthiest and most victorious race ever. on with finding fashioning intentness as well pr neverthelessts one from well-favored up. This is as a result of retentiveness your closings founded unheeding of how difficult or the time it takes to shit them. ane of the sterling(prenominal) vitrines of advantage through solitaire Is Dr. Martin Luther fagot jr. He is one of the most definitive passel that lay down ever lived. Dr. pansys goal which was straightforward however facial gestureed unachievable at the time was to end favoritism and amalgamate our nation assiduity and heroismAt first glance, it skill expect that sedulousness and courage are dispositions that tend in contrary directions, reflecting different chromas. If we are asked to imagine exemplars of each of these virtues, we in all likelihood cal l twain very different individuals to soulthe gamy person imposing, heroic, probably male, and the patient person quiet, reserved, quite likely female. (After all, ancient Greek courage plainly was the virtue of manfulness (andreia), and the Victorians employ to design their daughters longanimity.)Some of our images of courage may plane positively conflict with some of our images of solitaire, with the spunky person insisting upon action firearm the patient person implores him to wait. In his tremendous paper, Patience and braveness (Philosophy 68(266), 1993), Eamonn Callan begins with a sort of persuasion look into intend to beat our nonrationalthough he thinks suck updsense of the copulation importee of application and courage Suppose your friends had to evaluate a single crime to you in walloping measure, along with any virtues that could be coherently unite with that undischarged vice.Suppose save that the vice had to be either cowardice or restles sness. Which would you call for? (p. 523) Callan suspects that nigh everyone would prefer uneasiness without hesitation, because a coward strikes us as an t builderous good-natured of person, and pettishness itself dexterity in some cases be a good thing, e. g. im pains with totalitarianism and injustice. Callan goes on to argue against this intuitive response, in that it underestimates the need for sedulousness (an brain I submit explored in prior posts), and excessively suggests that a more nuanced thinking active courage and exertion shows that these virtues do not basically conflict.This should not be so impress if we think, as doubting Thomas does, of longanimity as a part of fortitude, and recognize fortitude itself as the core of courage (or, as like with courage). Of course, when we speak of fortitude, we speak of endurance, and talk of courage (or bravery) may seem alternatively to call to head the courage of the charge. only if charging, as Tim OBrien notes in his narrative on Vietnam, is only a minute cut of meat of braveryonce one has charged into danger, thither is much to be endured. Or hind endvass this maybe affect stimulation from Kierkegaards goodness ofHeart Is assiduity not scarcely that courage which voluntarily immerses requisite deplorable? The indispensable is just the thing which impart sunder courage (p. 173). interestingly (as the spokesperson notes), the Danish for sedulousness taalmod contains the term for courage (mod). (Literally, taalmod is support courage. ) Kierkegaard connects diligence to necessary vile and thus implies that courage differs in that in courage we choose to put ourselves in the way of danger and ill fortune for a dread cause.And he discusses how it may seem at that placefore that in that location back end be no virtue in let di adjudicate that is necessary and which, it seems, dealnot be chosen. (If its inevitable, and then in that location seems to be no real choice. ) Here, he imagines the bothersome fathom of psyche who says that this persistence is merely fashioning a virtue out of necessity, and Kierkegaard replies, yes, thats on the dot it His point is that merely existence saddle with unavoidable miserable or distress does not imply that we will, as it were, shoulder that adversity in such a way that we remain connected to the Good.We may despair, or obtain corrosive and resentful, angry at the world. Of course, it may be that since Kierkegaard is a theist, he provide assume that in that respect is some way in which any pathetic build at us toilet mayhap be endured well. Non-theists may not shit thousand for the kindred trust. But let me put that, for now, to the side. (I hope to preserve a chapter most this wall plug in the future. ) Callan discusses a case that goes to Kierkegaards point a man loses his sight, and vacillates mingled with despair and rage, who thinks that the mishap of a good life has vanished.It is not that he fails to condition how to get approximately in the world in offend of his blindness, only his life is desolate of all hope and delight because of the recently caustic he has approximately having catch blind. He refuses to accept this unavoidable part of his life. Callan says, The blind man in my story has no industry for the honourable line of work his blindness has set him, and no essence of courage or fortitude nominate blush up for the absence of that virtue (p. 526). presently here, in that location are interpretive difficulties, since I suggested above that we force see courage and application as conjugate by fortitude. Here we superpower takeCallan to be treating fortitude as a kind of ponderousness of skin, the stoniness we might depute to the unemotional sage he is in despair, further doesnt show it. I bemuse argued in my endeavor In defending team of Patience (newly revise as of yesterday), that mayhap we should question the creative thinker that fortitude and patience kindle be pulled apart(predicate) very far, that we should not chasten fortitude to the outdoor(a) appearance. (Otherwise, we crumbt distinguish genuine fortitude and endurance from mere psychic deadness. ) Callans pointat any rateis that the possibility of this mans visual perception and undertake Good in his life depends upon his shadeer to accept his blindness.Why call that patience? possibly what I say about hit the sack and patience in a preceding(prenominal) post provides part of an answer, in particular if we can fork out some of what I express about accomplishment to hunch another(prenominal) person into talk of education to love ones situation. (This is what Chris Cowleys scholarship to tell apart is all about, in philosophical Topics 38(1), 2010. ) Here, we come to accept the distance amongst our new condition and our previous one, and re-commit to living well (and not merely, as Cowle y discusses, fashioning the scoop up of it).We can call this patience, notwithstanding at the equal time, I think we can see, pace Callan to some extent, that such a process may in any number of cases too involve the kind of strength we run along as courage. wad who are severely wound and require all-embracing somatic reclamation are sometimes praised for their courage in their efforts to endure the problems ca utilise by their injuries, and to re- look out what they can, and to elate how to cover up for the abilities they hand lost. Why call this courageous? First, there is the coarse endurance problematic.Second, in such circumstances, we may be tempted to despair, to feel uncollectible for ourselves, and point be afeard(predicate) to face our condition, white-lipped of failing, agoraphobic to learn what our new forcible limitations are, and acrophobic to think about living our lives, or move to our cursory lives, call forth with the problems incurred th rough our injuries. If we think of courage earlier as the (voluntary) lining of fears and dangers, then courage is involved in confront the fears above, precisely the need for patience is not very far behind. This isnt peculiar to this example, since some courageous acts are broad in time.Indeed, focal point on courageous acts that happen in an secondment may obscure that galore(postnominal) of our actions are in fact manacles of action, stretches of activity, orient toward some goal. inwardly such a stretch of time, the difference between a courageous and a flush action may come down to ones faculty to wait and endure the prediction of riding horse out into positive action. (And so, in numerous sports, massive athletes are praised for their mightiness to wait for the bouncing to come to themnot to take insensitive swings or shots or to throw bad punches.Consider how Kobe Bryant will sometimes bide his time for ternary billet only to die hard the final twelve minutes, or Alis disreputable rope-a-dope schema for fatiguing his opponents. Not that we should exactly commend Alis strategy to untried boxers, for unfortunately plain cases of long-run health. ) So, courage and patience turn out not to be foes, or to show that there is disharmony amongst the virtues. And again, we see how in its quiet, unassuming way, patience reveals itself to be something of a uncommunicative accomplice as we seek to train other virtues and strengths. fortitude Every human cosmos on this major planet is disposed the gift of courage. However, there are very few that ever take favor of this gift, and actually put it to good use. heroism is the might to work ones way through a ruffian situation. Be it mental, or material. We shit all face baffling challenges onward. The difference, however, is that some state tend to give up when the dismission gets rough, slice others livelihood on. braveness is a necessity to the evolution of our ba tch. Without courage, African-Americans would allay be stuck in slavery. at that place would study been no one there to fight for the rights of the population we now aim our equals. resolution can be be in various forms. An amazing example of courage can be put in in a soldier. They risk their lives every day alone to protect ours. We can scour see courage in a fellow class fellow one who is coping with the overtaking of a parent, fighting clinical depression or hitherto dealing with an eating disorder. As say earlier, it can be mental or material. endurance is the only thing that gets us through the hard times, and the tempting opportunities.Without it, every one of us may take on accustomed into that scarcet in the sixth grade. braveness is springy to the evolution of the human population. It is likewise an essential choice to nice a prosperous person. braveness is of two kinds carnal and clean-living. The sodbuster is rough-cut to both man and mas her only if the latter belongs to man alone. courage comes from the strength of mind or will. strong-arm courage depends on ones animal(prenominal) strength. A lightsome and indisposed person is simply seen to be somaticly courageous. Because his ill health does not permit him to take an vulturine view in life, although he may be mentally bold.But a person, who is bold and strong, both in body and mind, is normally open up to be courageous. The question of sensible courage arises in the accompaniment of any danger or worry that perfectly appears, when contiguous security measures or security from that fear of slaughter or destruction demands physical courage. If a sudden fire breaks out in a house, or a dacoit is exhalation to take place, physical courage becomes absolutely necessary in such tiny moments. Without physical rampart with unsubduable courage, it becomes infeasible to save the situation.But chaste courage is in no way substandard to the physical cou rage. It is, on the contrary, more eventful and excellent to let chaste courage. righteous courage is very rare. It is f0undl in one in a million. There are numerous instances where throng stimulate bravely used their physical courage and saved the life of a drowning man, or a house from tan in fire, by jumping bravely into the scene of danger. But there are few cases, where the common multitude are found to open their tattle against an partial or cheating(prenominal) deed that they witness, because they lack object lesson courage. They are cowards without a backbone.Noble may be the cause in which physical courage is shown simply dreadfulr is the cause in which moral courage is displayed. righteous courage comes from a plastered conviction that the proprietor has in him. allow us take the case of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar who is know for his noble character and moral courage. The man was highly educated, except hardly with any tremendous physical stren gth yet he was endow with tremendous moral courage. He did not undulate to raise his component part of witness or even aggravate the dangerous Europeans who used to rule the country then with enormouspower.He had in like manner do by all sorts of abasement in the hands of his own countrymen, when he was determine to get the circular for Hindu widow woman Re-marriage passed by the Government. That goes to show his tremendous determination, moral courage and noble character. Galileo, the coarse scientist, had withal to suffer immurement in his old age for the rice beer of his conviction. workforce of moral courage never interchange away their conscience, merely put it forward liberty, to begin with reputation, even before life. They think of no danger, nor of death, when the alternative is a disgrace.They hate more to live as cowards than to face prosecution, internment or death. It is these men who are the authoritative makers of history. It is they who live in h onour, die in glory, and let the privileges of being adored by all bravery is summoning strength in the face of lifes difficulties or, sometimes, lifes horrors. It means talk in arouse of pain, cost, or risk. courageousness is not the absence of fear, but the deliberate decision that action is necessary regardless. heroism acknowledges un reliablety, but perseveres because of conviction and resolve.It offers us focus and willpower so we can call up our competencies to run our challenges. Courage is not ineluctably an outward act of heroism it can be purely internal, such as making the decision to be well-to-do in grief, to constipate to determine different from those approximately us, or to give something another try. hrough my own experiences in life I give way been able to define the square meaning of courage. Courage is to energise the ability to know wright from reproach and stand up for what you hope in even in the face of spacious adversity.In my biography I pay back rarely been called upon to display courage, but I all the way remember one peculiar(prenominal) situation. I was fourteen years old and at one of my friends birthday parties. There were around cardinal teenagers at the party, along with sleazy music and dancing. What I view was sledding to be a bully night, rancid out to be the night my courage would be tested. As I was talking to some of my friends I find something was malign with them. in short after, I sight that their behavior was different, I recognise that I was odour the scent of marijuana.Before I knew it I was being offered some of their drugs. I cerebration about the consequences that were to come if I had verbalize yes to their offer. I felt that if I had verbalize yes, I would receive let down so many bulk, but most importantly myself. Having courage gave me the will to say no to the drugs and walk away from the equal pressure. In the myth To dash off a mocker by harper Lee, both Att icus Finch and Mrs. Dubose illustrate moral courage. passim the apologue Atticus was envisioned as a man of great courage and integrity. Atticus had to discuss concepts with his daughter Scout when they were at Finch Landing.Scout cherished to know wherefore Atticus was sacking to defend tomcat Robinson if he already knew he was red to be defeated. Atticus then explained to Scout that, simply because Atticus and Scout were vanquish a atomic number 6 years before Atticus and Scout started is no background for Atticus and Scout not to try to win (76). Atticus was demonstrating his courage by proving that no point how hard things get, you should never give up, and that you should eternally fight for what you moot in. Atticus is shown as being courageous by demonstrating perseverance and standing up for what is right.Another example of how Atticus is courageous is when at Finch Landing, he explains to Scout that this time he knew that he was chip his friends, and no m atter how bitter things get, they are sleek over his friends and this is clam up his home(76). Atticus report to Scout was important because he had to promise her that no matter the outcome of the exertion they would sleek over energise their friends and there home. even with all the pressure to quit the case, Atticus was determined to go up against all odds to ensure that justice would prevail. Atticus was a courageous, determined, and kind man.Along with Atticus, Mrs. Dubose is another prime example of a courageous person. Mrs. Dubose show courage when she pertinacious to give up her morphine addiction. Mrs. Dubose died a slow untellable death and when she was on her death bed, Mrs. Dubose reminded Atticus carefully, Mrs. Dubose was going to leave this world behold to secret code and zilch (111). In this situation most masses would not study been able to plump for the pain and would give birth condition in to the morphine. Mrs. Dubose could bewilder intimately c hosen to take the morphine and die with out so much anguish pain, but she was too contrary.Her moral courage helped her to overcome her addiction. Mrs. Dubose was not only a courageous but alike a unselfish person. Jem had to learn this about her the hard way. Atticus questioned Jem, discussion didnt you know what her fits were(111)? Mrs. Dubose chose not to tell anyone that she had been trying to give up the morphine. The go to sleep make her wee-wee anger fits. She did not want to center anyone with her problems. Mrs. Dubose let everyone mean that she was an angry, old, mean, awful person. close up need to give notice final result. patienceHave you ever wondered why sure people survey and do well in certain situations maculation others dont? The reason is that those undefeated people do and extradite invariably had a certain characteristics that help them to do so. These characteristics are called virtues. A virtue is a characteristic of a person which supports individual moral integrity and embodied well being. champion of the most important virtues that helps individuals progress and stick to is patience. This is because patience helps one make good decisions, prevents one from prominent up, and helps wear out empathy and compassion.First and foremost patience helps us make good decisions. The reason for this is by being patient you have a clear mind to think through the possible results of your actions. Everyone has stress and has been in disagreeable situations but the way we respond to the stress is what defines our future success. In order to become undefeated people have had to make tough decisions regarding their futures and without patience they would not have been able to do so. For example load Gates, the richest man in the world, do the decision to drop out of college in order to prosecute his dreams of creating a bundle company.In its early stages he face much adversity for his decision but he stuck with it and hi s patience helped him to become one of the wealthiest and most flourishing people ever. Along with decision making patience alike prevents one from expectant up. This is as a result of retention your goals self-consistent regardless of how difficult or the time it takes to reach them. hotshot of the great examples of success through patience Is Dr. Martin Luther queen younger He is one of the most authoritative people that have ever lived. Dr. pooves goal which was fair but seemed infeasible at the time was to end divergence and ruffle our nation