Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Policy and Strategic Management Research Paper - 3

Business Policy and Strategic Management - Research Paper Example The very reason as to why Starbucks has been able to generate the kind of competitive advantage within its industry is based upon the fact that its differentiation strategy has provided it an edge over others. A closer analysis of the history of the firm would suggest that the Starbucks started with selling of the coffee manufacturing equipments which were considered as finest in the industry. Its use of the Arabica beans- highest quality coffee beans in the world provides its coffee a unique taste and quality lacking in other products offered by the competitors. (Anders). It is also important to note that Starbucks marketing strategy has also duly supported the firm’s traditional superiority in offering high quality coffee over different destinations in the world through its strategic business partners. It is also important to note that the kind of growth achieved by Starbucks over the period of time is also based upon its overall organizational model and how it is integrated with its overall strategy.

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