Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Computer and Basic Operations free essay sample

Computers are complex electronic devices, but their four basic operations (IPOS) are simple. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer (computer orientation) Computers are complex electronic devices, but their four basic operations (IPOS) are simple. Almost all computer processing involves si Premium360 Words2 Pages Advantages and Disadvantages of Onlne Games Computer games are indisputably popular among teenagers. Because of their widespread use, many studies provide data on the short- and long-term effects of regularly playing computer games. Some studies conclude there is a link between playing violent video games and tendencies towards violent behavi Premium2659 Words11 Pages What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer 1. Disadvantage 1. It destroys your social life and interactions with humans if you do not maintain the balance. 2. It may effect to the destruction of your eye sight due to radiation. 3. It may cause pimples and wrinkles. 4. It may damage your studies and life. 5. Too much time in fron Premium549 Words3 Pages Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer and Basic Operations or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Great advancement in the field of science and technology has resulted into the invention of numerous devices, which have made our life easy and comfortable. Among the devices, which are widely used in the present time, is computer. Indeed computer has become basis need of modern people. There is a s1. Disadvantage 1. It destroys your social life and interactions with humans if you do not maintain the balance. 2. It may effect to the destruction of your eye sight due to radiation. 3. It may cause pimples and wrinkles. 4. It may damage your studies and life. 5. Too much time in front of monitor may adverse effect your eye sight and can also make you fat. 6. The way it distracts and can deviate our thoughts and activities towards unproductive activities. 7. It could cause violation of privacy, impact on labor force, health risks, impact on environment, distraction from work, and possible antisocial influences. 8. getting away from their real life and getting into bad lines ADVANTAGES 1. It helps you automate various tasks that you can not do manually. 2. It helps you organize your data and information in a better way. 3. It has much more computing and calculating power then an ordinary human. 4. It may help your work to be a lot easier. 5. It may be the storage of your important data and files. 6. It may be your handy book. 7. It may help you solve problems faster than an ordinary human being can do. 8. It has speed, storage, reliability, consistency and communications. 9. It helps you to find useful information using the Internet. 10. It helps in businesses, factories, offices, schools and homes. Computers are complex electronic devices, but their four basic operations (IPOS) are simple. Almost all computer processing involves simple operations such as adding two numbers or comparing two numbers to see which is larger. What makes todays computer so valuable is that theyre fast and incredibly reliable. Even the least expensive personal computers can perform several million operations per second, and can do so for years without making an error caused by the computers physical components. Actually, almost all computer errors caused by flaws in computer programs or mistakes in the data people supply to [continues]

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