Monday, February 10, 2014

Caesar and Brutus.

Ha, who comes here?...Thy evil spirit, Brutus (4.3.318,325). The remover of an oppressive power may ironically share the same characteristics of the oppressor. In Shakespeares Julius Caesar, the kindredities between Brutus and Caesar, the liberator and oppressor, are seen in many characteristics. Brutus reflects Caesars pridefulness, offhandedness, and methods to gain power. Brutus, as seen in the quote, is just a reflection of Julius Caesar and his character. The family honor of Brutus in protecting the republic is correspond to Caesar honoring himself and establishing a monarchy. Initially Brutus is swayed by Cassius because of family pride. O, you and I hand over heard our fathers say there was a Brutus once that would throw together brooked th eternal devil to keep his state in uppercase of Italy as easily as a king (1.3.159). give up Cassius is referring to Brutus ancestor who rid Rome of a ruler and created the republic. Brutus puts his avow honor before Rom e and the republic, not caring for what lunge happen if someone powerful like Caesar is killed. Caesars vanity is identical in that he puts his wants before those of the people. But I am constant as the Northern Star, Of whose true fixed and resting olfactory property of voice There is no fellow in the vault of heaven (3.1.66-68). Caesar puts his pride in being consistent in battlefront of whats go for the people. The similarity in Brutus honor and Caesars pride expresss two to be equally vain and selfish, not considering others. Both Brutus and Caesar prove to be careless and not thinking of the dangers ahead. Brutus does not charge ideal the warning of Caesars ghost when he appears and says, To tell thee grand shalt see me at Philippi (4.3.27). The ghost predicts Brutus death, but Brutus pays no heed to the warning. If much careful, he may... If you want to get a full essay, coordinate it on our website:
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