Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Investigate The Functions And Dysfunctions Of The

Investigate the functions and dysfunctions of the digestive system Functions of the Digestive System The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to gain nutrients from victuals and drink. When provenders and drinks first enter the body, they ar in a pee that the body is unable to choice nutrients from. The digestion surgery breaks the nutrient toss off into microer molecules so that it is easier for the body to take on all nutrients. nourishment is mixed with digestive juices which enable it to collide with smoothly done the digestive tract. Large molecules of diet are broken batch into smaller molecules. Digestion begins in the mouth, when you chew and swallow, and is realised in the small intestine, this process is called peristalsis. Not plainly does the digestive system extract essential nutrients from diet matter, it also disposes of the abdicable material via excretion. Digestion begins in the oral cavity. However, it begins before fo dder horizontal enters the mouth; the sight, whole step or even intellection triggers the salivary glands. Chewing the food prompts the glands to secrete the enzymes required to only break down the food which include; amylase, maltase, sucrase, lipase and pepsin. These enzymes are involve to break down accepted sugars and starches that chewing cant do itself. The saliva in the mouth also softens the food so that it is easier to navigate by dint of the digestive system. one time the food has been swallowed, it makes its way down the defile which is made of muscle. To guide the food down towards the stomach, it contracts and relaxes, pushing it advance down each time. Once the food reaches the stomach, it begins the second soma of digestion. The stomach is made up of three layers of muscle which work out and shrink with the figurehead of food. This is where food is broken down further with the help of protein falling out down enzymes and the hydrochloric acid. The hy drochloric acid creates the perfect purlieu! for the enzymes; it destroys any bacteria that...If you indispensability to get a upright essay, order it on our website:

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