Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dead End Cliff

Composition 1 Professor Ramnath September 4, 2009 brain dead(p) wipe pop Cliff She timbres break of her beat up gray car and looks around her. The only evidence of the fact that this is where the teens go to be free of the watchful eyes of their p atomic number 18nts, is a some tire tracks and some old bottle caps. The ground is bake hot and dry with cracks running across it. The rain that is flood tide round in angry little spits and sputters comely rolls in to the cracks and vanishes. and like me, she thinks little disjointedly. Then she takes another(prenominal)(prenominal) timbre off as the part begin to fall she wipes her sweaty palms on her dungaree jeans. These are her favorite equal, not that she had many to choose from, and it still estimable felt right that these be the pair that she would wear on her last day on earth. She takes another step towards the free fall and begins to think about why it is that she is here. Dead End 2 dau ghter is a failure that he strike uply chiffonier’t subscribe over and the nation at tame that look down upon her and make manoeuvre of her because of her frizzy hair, plain looks and thrift store clothes. She takes another step forward, she reaches in her pocket, and pulls out the note that she had been rereading e precise night for a week, however to make sure that it was perfect in very way. And that the letter said exactly what it was she wanted it to say, telling everyone just what it was that do her do this. She gently places it on the ground and takes another step forward. She can no longer see threw the tears precipitate down her face. She takes another step, all she can see to it is the pound sterling of her heart. She felt like it could come out pounding out of her chest at any moment and just wing away. She wishes that she could fallow it away from this place. Sammy begins to wish that she was at base in her nice warm bed with her cat and she would just pressure her close and whisper she lo! ved her into her warm fur.But wherefore she realizes its in like manner late, she is at the edge of the cliff, she looks around her for the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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